No wonder my husband was jealous of me

No wonder my husband was jealous of me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I want to share my story here because I have no one else to discuss this with.

Almost a year ago, we started dating a man, and everything started to spin, spiraled to such an extent that we immediately started living together (I’m 31 years old, and he’s 33). We have known each other since childhood, alllife lived next door, and then fate brought us together. He is very jealous, even about the past, very suspicious, sees betrayal everywhere, etc. In general, against the backdrop of these phobias, he raised his hand to me, sometimes hitting me hard. This happened more than once. I was faithful to him and this is the pure truth. I swear to God, I didn’t cheat, and I didn’t even think about it. And sometimes he cast such suspicions that it boggles the mind. For example, when I came home from work, I thought that I was at home with someone in his absence. Of course, then he asked for forgiveness for everything, promised that he would change, and would not raise his hand, but everything was repeated.

I endured, waited, hoped, because I love. Yes, and he loves, I see and feel it, and outbursts of jealousy only occurred,, when he was drunk, he was sober and drunk, these are two completely different things. When he drinks, it’s as if the devil himself takes possession of him, and he changes immediately. In general, we lived by faith and hope. It seemed like it was starting to quiet down a little. Six months ago he was imprisoned for fighting. They didn't give much, but still. I didn’t leave him, I help him, I travel, we signed recently. But before registering our marriage, this is what happened. I still cheated on him, there was a corporate party at work, I had too much alcohol and that evening everything happened. I didn’t want to cheat, hurt him, betray him and , apparently, everything happened against the backdrop of all these experiences with the fact that he was imprisoned,alcohol clouded my mind, and I did it.

I made a mistake, for which I now repent and I don’t want to repeat it again, I love him as before. Yes, I have no excuses, this is badact , I am very tormented by what I did and I don’t know what to do right, whether to tell him or not. WeWe communicate every day , he asks me to be faithful, I promise, but something is wrong in my soul. Please tell me what I should do in this situation.

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