антибиотики в рыбе

The use of antibiotics in fish farming raises fears among some people who fear that consuming fish containing antibiotics could lead to negative health consequences. However, there is no need to panic, because the use of antibiotics in fish farming is strictly controlled by legislation and undergoes strict quality and safety controls. Moreover, antibiotic levels in fish do not exceed permissible norms, and the consumption of such fish does not lead to the development of resistance to antibiotics in humans. Fish remains a healthy and nutritious food that can be eaten with confidence in its safety and quality.

  • Antibiotics in fish: what you need to know
    Fish is one of the healthiest and most nutritious foods we can eat. However, like meat , fish may containantibiotics that have been used to prevent and treat infections in animals. Why are antibiotics used in fish farming? Fish farming is a complex and responsible process that requires constant moni...
  • antibiotics in fish
    Fish is one of the most popular and healthy foods. It is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, and also contains fatty acids that have a beneficial effect on the health of the heart and blood vessels. However, do fish contain antibiotics? It is believed that fish may containantibiotics that are us...
  • 10 Interesting Facts About Salmon
    Salmon is one of the most popular fish species in the world due to its unique taste and many useful properties. Here are 10 interesting facts about salmon that you may not have known. 1. Salmon are migratory fish that spend most of their lives in the ocean and then return to their native river to sp...
  • Antibiotics in carp
    Carp is one of the most popular fish in the world and is a source of protein and healthy fatty acids. However, like any other product, carp may contain residues of antibiotics that have been used to treat fish or prevent disease. Antibiotics are widely used in industrial aquaculture to treat fish di...
  • Antibiotics in salmon, why are they added to the feed?
    Salmon is a fish that is one of the most popular food all over the world. It contains many useful substances, including proteins, fatty acids and vitamins. However, like many other foods, salmon may contain antibiotics. Antibiotics are used in aquaculture to fight infectious diseases and promote fis...
  • antibiotics in salmon
    Salmon is one of the most popular types of fish, which is a source of protein, fatty acids and vitamins. However, like many other foods, salmon may contain antibiotics. Use of antibiotics in aquaculture Aquaculture is the production of fish and seafood under controlled conditions. Aquaculture uses a...
  • Antibiotics in sprats
    Sprats are a popular product that is often eaten as an appetizer or main course. However, like many other seafood products, sprats may contain antibiotics. Antibiotics are used to prevent and treat diseases in fish, but their misuse can lead to the development of bacterial resistance and transmissio...