How to understand and forgive your husband?

How to understand and forgive your husband?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My name is Inna and I am 29 years old. I havehusband and five year oldson . In principle, our life with my husband is not bad, sometimes we fight, then we make peace, we love our common child very much. Umy husband has two children from his first marriage. Six months ago I had a terrible event that I cannotforget . And I will never forget.

That summer we went on vacation with the whole family, swam and sunbathed. When I arrived home, I found out thatpregnant ​I told my husband right away. My husband did not want this child and reacted very painfully to the news. Naturally, there were no “I’m so happy” or belly kisses. He began to insist on an abortion, very rudely, sometimes without even talking to me about anything the day before. I really wanted a child.

WhenThe doctor set the pregnancy period, he began to hurt me very much, saying that he would not love this child and he did not care about its gender, who it would be, a boy or a girl. He motivated his reluctance to have a child by supposedly financial difficulties, but we don’t have them, he was simply deceiving me, on purpose.

One day I got nervous and they threatened me, I was forced to stay at home. During that day, he never came up to me, didn’t enter the room, didn’t sit down on the bed, didn’t even ask how I was feeling. It was very difficult for me to bear thisattitude towards yourself. I don’t know how to write these lines, but I had an abortion, I was scared, I’m simply probably a weak person for doing such a thing.

When everything happened, he changed in one day. He became caring and helpful, but I felt disgusted that he was like that. So much time has passed, and I still can’t come to my senses. How to treat your husband? What kind of person is he? Help with advice.

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