
Love is what makes our life full and happy. It gives us warmth and comfort, makes us feel needed and important for someone. Love can be different - for family and friends, for friends, for your work or hobby. But the strongest and most irresistible love is the love between two people. It can turn our life upside down, make us feel easy and free, gives us strength and energy to overcome any difficulties. Love knows no boundaries and limitations, it can arise at the most unexpected moment and lead to incredible changes in our lives.

  • The story of naive and unhappy love
    Мне 21 год. Оканчиваю университет, иду на красный диплом. Живу один в Москве на съемной квартире. Подрабатываю (теперь уже подрабатывал) в рекламном агентстве.Вся моя прежняя жизнь была полностью посвящена учебе и широкому кругу различных интересов – от философии и литературы до истории и архитектур...
  • Double betrayal destroyed my faith in love
    It was winter 2005. The holidays were coming, I was a happy person, as I thought then. I had everything —the wife is beautiful and smart,a life that suits me completely. There is a job that I love and that provides for my life. A best friend who is likebrother , and with whom I have been friends sin...
  • My love for the guy has already turned into an addiction
    I am 17 years old now. When I was 14, I liked a boy, he was one of the most interesting people in school, many girls liked him. At first, he irritated me, but after some time, I also became interested in him.It seemed to me then that he liked me too (I didn't think then that if someone is interestin...
  • I am a hostage to the situation
    I've known the guy for 3 years, and have been in a relationship for less than a year. And now, 4 months after we met, he ends up in a mental hospital. But it didn't put me off, on the contrary, I tried to show him thatlove can be unconditional. Then it turned out that he had bipolar disorder and bor...
  • Still haven't decided...
    I don't want to tell my friends about my life, but I have something to tell. And so, under a fictitious name, I want to share it with the readers of the site test-antibiotic.com. It's hard to carry it inside - I want to confess.I come from an ordinary village family. I am the youngest of three child...
  • Is it possible to trust a girl who has already betrayed you once?
    I am 21 years old. I have been dating a girl for 3 years. We met at the institute in the first year, I really liked her, at that time I was 18 and I had not had a relationship before this meeting, not because I was someone, but simply had not found a girl that I liked. Since I was not an ace in rela...
  • I survived the blows of fate thanks to my adopted child
    My long-awaitedpregnancy ended in an unsuccessful birth, the death of the baby and the removal of the uterus. For melife stopped, I didn't live, I just existed. My husband was in another country during the birth and after learning about what happened, he never came, and I didn't want to be a burden ...
  • What does love at a distance lead to?
    The story begins with the fact that at 16 I met a girl (I'm 24 now). We dated for a year, loved each other, but then something terrible happened: her parents were military and theirthe family was forced to move to another city. She left, but we couldn'tforget each other and continued to "date". Of c...
  • School Love Story
    There are many stories about lovers, betrayals and treachery on this site. I will tell you a real story about my good friends - Sveta and Igor.I met Igor at work. I have known Sveta for many years. Igor and Sveta are former classmates. Sveta studied at our village school from the first grade, Igor t...
  • How I rushed to become an adult
    It all started two years ago. I was seventeen then. I wanted to go for a walk,my mother was constantly annoying me with her lectures. In general, like all teenagers. And then a young man crossed my path. He was not like anyone I had ever met before. He was an adult, earned his own moneylife and spok...
  • My husband reproaches me for being on maternity leave
    My husband openly reproaches me for being on maternity leave. The initiative to have a child was entirely his. He was initially looking for a woman to start a family, have children with, and he found me. Already in the first year of marriage he was worried that there were no children for a long time...
  • Love, betrayal and forgiveness
    When I started working at this institution, I thought it would be just another stage in my career. I was full of hope and ambition, but I had no idea that this new stage would change my wholelife .The first thing I noticed was her – a woman with an extraordinary inner light, which, despite her exter...
  • I am convinced that you cannot build your own happiness on someone else's misfortune.
    Finally decided to share my story, which still echoes in my memory. This is a very difficult period in my life. Perhaps after I write this, I will feel better, because perhaps these people will read it and understand how much pain they caused me. After all, many know only one side of the coin.It all...
  • Virtual love
    I'm 17 years old and I'm studying in college, he's 18. I started playing one game on VK and I played for about a year, and then I met two girls, they were friends and in one of them wasguy . Their names were Vika and Olya (the guy was Olya). I didn't know him very well, and only in absentia.In gener...
  • My first love
    I've been dating my boyfriend for about six months. He's very jealous of my friend. The first time we had a fight was because of him, because M told him that I was hugging R. And it happens all the time, because we just talk, and it was because of something else. And then yesterday this happened: I ...
  • During a difficult time I met my love
    I have not had a very good situation in my life. I have always been a supporter of "one for life" relationships.Been married for almost 3 years, recently got marriedchild , everything should be fine, but it was not there. My husband has cooled off, behaves like an egoist, is offended that I pay more...
  • My story about a wild youth and why the boomerang always comes back
    I was 17 years old when I came outmarried . I was born into a good, well-off family. I had my ownproblems , but overall, my parents tried to give me the best. Dad worked a lot, and I hardly saw him,Mom was a housewife and raised me as best she could. For some reason, I was afraid of Dad, but at the ...
  • Greed ruined
    I'll tell you a true story from the life of my classmate. Stas stood out in the class... for his greed. He wanted everything. If someone had something new, he wanted the same, and even better. Only he had to have the best. I must say that he studied well, he got by cramming and perseverance. And in ...
  • I'm selfish and it doesn't scare me
    I am 16 years old and I am a school student. I don't know why, but I don't care about other people's feelings, even my parents. I have so-called friends, but only so that school is not boring.I don't know why I'm so selfish, I never think about others, or rather I just don't remember that person and...
  • Double betrayal in my life
    I have experienced betrayal twice, I have been on both sides, and I will say right away that I have never cheated and I hope I will never do so.I'll start from the end. The last onethe betrayal that I experienced is the betrayal of myhusband , his mistress was a colleague from work. Everything was l...