
  • Tired of life
    I never understood my place in life. At first I had hope andfaith in the future, a series of new images, dreams of a bright future. Faith that everything will work out. This did not last long. One day gave way to another, each one similar to the previous one, a feeling of déjà vu. Apathy settled ins...
  • I still remember my birthday with horror and resentment.
    I am 25 years old, I recently became a mother. Not that it mattersrelation to my story, which I would like to share, but perhaps this became the catalyst for what I write here, since the memories relate to childhood andrelationships with parents.In general, I had a normal childhood, I had enough of ...
  • I beat my husband to protect my son
    My husband and I quarreled very often and it came to a fight; he beat me. He hit me hard on the head with consequences, cut my head with a bucket, knocked out sewing vertebrae, then took me to the doctors, where they set my arm. because was also knocked out.I forgave, although in the depths of my so...
  • It's Complicated
    I have a friend. We have been communicating for 4 years now. Already in the first year, he admitted his sympathy for me, but I could not reciprocate. The reason, I think, was not a lack of sympathy for the person, but fear. It wasfear of others, as well as of parents. They kept me strict in terms of...
  • Alien
    I'm 27 years old, I recently got outget married ,husband is a wonderful person. We live in different countries, but we recently got married. We have known each other for more than 5 years, became friends, and then started a family.Unfortunately, because of my studies, we cannot fully live together, ...
  • Love came unexpectedly
    I want to tell my sad life story. Maybe someone will understand me and help me with advice.I am 40 years old. I got married at 19 and livedMarried for 21 years, not very happily. You are the one to blame. The saying “If you endure it, you will fall in love” does not work. And that’s pretty much what...
  • Why do women tolerate men beating them?
    I read a lot of stories here on the site whena man beats a woman, whether they are married or just dating, it doesn’t matter. Probably many people have such acquaintances,colleagues or neighbors. Maybe the roots of this phenomenon grow from childhood, if in childhood dad beat mom, or the girl was of...
  • Много ошибок из жизни, которые я поняла и получила опыт
    Я росла в неблагополучной семье. Нас в семье четверо, три брата старших и я самая младшая сестра. Старший брат умер в 2012 году от болезни, он сидел в тюрьме раза три за наркотики, средний брат сидел один раз за убийство (его подставили). Он уехал в другой город и живет со своей семьей. Третий брат ...
  • I'm afraid of men
    I want to speak out and talk about painful things. I am younggirl , I’m 20 years old, I have a lot of friends, I’m sociable, I have my own good income, so I don’t depend on anyone. She left home when I was 17 and never appeared there again. From that moment I began to live independently, in every se...
  • Why are people so cruel to each other?
    Ithe guy is open, a little extraordinary, I behave like a fool, because that’s how I am, I can’t be serious.But then I went to college and I pretend to be serious, becauseThe team is serious. That is, they don’t watch anime and consider anime fans to be frivolous, plus my behavior, especially during...
  • I am ashamed of my attitude towards my loved one
    I am bad. And no matter how hard I try to be good, I’m not doing well. I don’t intentionally do anything bad to anyone, it’s not in my rules to take revenge on anyone, but if I have the opportunity to do something bad, I will do it and will never regret it.But not at this time. I met a guy two years...
  • I have no feelings for a man, but I'm afraid to be alone
    I'm 33 years old, divorced, have a ten year olddaughter . Reason for divorce -treason husband . We tried to make peace, but it didn’t work out. She kicked him out herself. We haven't lived together for 5 years now. The first years were terribly difficult, but time heals and everything is in the past...
  • Fear is stronger than me
    I am 18 years old. My problem is that I am afraid of sudden death. I get this from time to timefear because if I discover, for example, a minor sore or something else that is truly harmless, I become scared.Deep down, I understand that everything seems to be normal and there is really nothing to wor...
  • Неудачи в бизнесе вызывают у меня депрессию
    Пишу, потому что морально очень тяжело. У меня запутанная ситуация. Начну по порядку, издалека.Два года назад муж зарегистрировал ИП. Друг с работы предложил ему начать свое дело – онлайн магазин. С товаром его родная тетка поможет, компания, где она работает – наш поставщик.Опыта продаж ни у кого и...
  • Am I a bad friend?
    I have always considered myself a good, loyal friend. I was always ready to come toI help my friends, I always listen to everyone, I support them morally. But recently a story happened, after which I no longer know whether I am a good friend, or whether it just seemed so to me.My friends and I went ...
  • I can't please my husband no matter how hard I try.
    I am 34, my husband is 29 years old. We look the same, I'm small and fragile.I can't figure out the situation in our family. Married 6 years, yesdaughter 9 years old from her first relationship. My husband always supported me in everything, cared for me, helped me in all situations. He is quite a po...
  • There were no white stripes in my life
    I want to tell you a real, true story about my difficult life, because I can’t keep it to myself anymore, and I can’t tell my loved ones. The story will be long, excuse me, I will write about everything that torments me.I was born into a low-income family. Mythe father did not want to have children ...
  • I wish death to an old friend
    I’m a little ashamed to admit my weakness, like everyone who writes their confessions on this site. But I really want to speak out. Or perhaps I would like someone to draw some conclusions from my story.The trouble is that I want to kill the person I love and dearest to me.So, there is a person in t...
  • There is only emptiness and loneliness in my soul
    Tired of useless relationships. People the same age or younger are simply lazy at home. Married since 18. Now I'm 29 years old. At 28 I happened to say goodbye to my mother.At that time, we had been in a relationship for a year, during which time we began to break up for about three weeks, if there ...
  • Habit of loneliness
    I am 21 years old, I have no experience of relationships with the opposite sex, and now the result of all this is not knowing what to do. How to understand yourself? Is it about me? Perhaps I know the reason why alone, but how to fix it? Is it fear ? Or am I that kind of person? The one who doesn't ...