This is not how I imagined family life

This is not how I imagined family life
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My story began 9 years ago. I was young and stupid. I dreamed of findinglove of my life. I met girls. Courted. But a little time passed and they left for others. I didn't understand the reason.

I am good looking. Good-natured. Funny. After the fifth breakup, I became sad. But then luck turned around for me. I met the girl of my dreams. Six months later she became pregnant from me. We were borndaughter . We lived together. I always helped her and took care of her. But she secretly called her ex. Because of this, we started having scandals. I was against this communication. She vowed not to do that again.

After some time, she herself began to torment me with jealousy for every post. Although I had no intention of cheating on her. Time passed. Thanks to my wife, all my friends turned away from me. I practically stopped talking to my wife. He left for his unloved job in the morning, and in the evening he went to his unloved wife. I found an outlet for my soul only in books. I began to think about leaving my family. But fate decreed otherwise. The wife became pregnant. From then on, from nothing, in her eyes, I became a servant of Satan. She no longer hid her hatred of me. Every day she screamed in front of her daughter and threatened to take her away. And so on until the birth of my son. Then she calmed down. But not for long. Her ex showed up again. The love of her life, as she told me.

I talked to him likeman to man. He left. It’s as if a demon has possessed my wife. She harassed meevery day . I endured for the sake of the children. Three years passed like this. And suddenly I realized that I was living in vain. Wasted. I gave all my warmth to those who did not appreciate it. Who didn't need me. I left home. I left everything I had. House, car, all savings. And he just left. A month later we were divorced. I lived alone for six months. Paid child support. And he was sad alone. But one day, succumbing to the persuasion of a friend, I met a new girl. We started dating. I helped her with money and made repairs in the house. Hermy son loves me like his own. But she is as cold as ice towards me There is no love between us. Sometimes I feel like she doesn't even respect me. These are the weirdestrelationships in my life. They seem to be together, but at the same moment everyone lives their own lives. What should I do? I don't know. I forgot how to live for myself. I have always lived for the sake of others. That's how I was raised.

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