The guy lives with me, but communicates with other girls

The guy lives with me, but communicates with other girls
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I haveproblems communicating with a guy with whom we lived for 5 years. It all started with the fact that he didn't like my behavior. Once upon a time there wasbetrayal on his part, I forgave, because I love him very much, everything worked out. But the injury remained.

After some time, I began to notice intimate SMS messages on his phone again, but I didn’t read the correspondence specifically. He began to answer aggressively to the questions I asked him. And then it seemed to jam and disappearedsex , stopped communicating with me normally, love SMS fromgirls .

In the end, I invited him to leave (he lives in my apartment), but he does not leave. This torments me, I still love him, and the fact that he still lives with me does not leave me with hope that everything can get better. I realized a lot, how and where I behaved incorrectly. I try, I literally lay myself out in front of him so thatreturn him because I love him very much. We sleep in the same bed, but there is nothing, he is constantly on phone, at night he hugs me and presses me to him, and then he comes to his senses and pushes me away, it seems as if he imagines that he is hugging another.

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