
  • Double betrayal destroyed my faith in love
    It was winter 2005. The holidays were coming, I was a happy person, as I thought then. I had everything —the wife is beautiful and smart,a life that suits me completely. There is a job that I love and that provides for my life. A best friend who is likebrother , and with whom I have been friends sin...
  • Strong resentment towards parents
    I am 33 years old, my daughter is 8 years old. I have a very strong resentment towards my parents and I don’t know how to get over it.I grew up with my mother, father and grandmother. From early childhood, my grandmother took care of me, I was afraid of my mother, andMy father never took care of me....
  • My father destroyed my faith in men.
    Mymy father died when I was 7 years old. MyMom was in a pretty severe depression after this event.The grief subsided,life was getting better. Mom always positioned my father as an exceptional person. A loving father, an educated person, a sensitive comrade. I was only haunted by the memories that oc...
  • Still haven't decided...
    I don't want to tell my friends about my life, but I have something to tell. And so, under a fictitious name, I want to share it with the readers of the site test-antibiotic.com. It's hard to carry it inside - I want to confess.I come from an ordinary village family. I am the youngest of three child...
  • I don't feel happy
    From the outside looking in, it seems that I am quite happy. Many even envy me that I am quite well off.family , that the family is goodrelationships , that there are several best friends, many buddies, and a lot of attention from guys. But it only seems that everything is very rosy, but in reality ...
  • Why do relatives act like this?
    It is very painful when loved ones, such as brothers or sisters, betray you.We had a large family , I am the youngest. My mother died early, and we were left with my father, who drank a lot. My childhood was difficult, and I only had a school education. All the older ones grew up and moved away in d...
  • Love, betrayal and forgiveness
    When I started working at this institution, I thought it would be just another stage in my career. I was full of hope and ambition, but I had no idea that this new stage would change my wholelife .The first thing I noticed was her – a woman with an extraordinary inner light, which, despite her exter...
  • I am convinced that you cannot build your own happiness on someone else's misfortune.
    Finally decided to share my story, which still echoes in my memory. This is a very difficult period in my life. Perhaps after I write this, I will feel better, because perhaps these people will read it and understand how much pain they caused me. After all, many know only one side of the coin.It all...
  • I was never able to forgive my father.
    I was almost 7 years old whenMom divorced Dad. It was complicated, painful, I would even say pathologicalrelationships . He drank, used drugs, beat and abused my mother, and well, I got it too.I remember we lived in the suburbs,Mother went to work, and I stayed with Father. He had been drinking all ...
  • For the sake of a new love, I betrayed not only my husband, but also my daughter
    For the first timegot married at 19. My husband was just a good, kind, bright person. I didn't love him, but he loved me. I know it's wrong and mean, but I didn't want to hurt him, I didn't want to cause him any harm.pain and I didn't think that everything would turn out the way it did. I thought I ...
  • My husband's addiction to computer games is putting our marriage at risk
    I am 23 years old, my husband is 24. We have been married since March of this year. Together for almost a year. We met at work, everything quickly started spinning, he asked for my hand and my mother's hand after a month of communication.I was waiting for an official proposal and knew that the ring ...
  • Online game relationship with a married woman
    I was in the situation described in the story I want you to be happy, but only in the place of a virtual man.I just came back from the army, cold, hungry and not knowing how to live my new life. I broke up with my girlfriend before the army, she fell in love with someone else, and the otherI didn't ...
  • Double betrayal in my life
    I have experienced betrayal twice, I have been on both sides, and I will say right away that I have never cheated and I hope I will never do so.I'll start from the end. The last onethe betrayal that I experienced is the betrayal of myhusband , his mistress was a colleague from work. Everything was l...
  • Everything and Nothing: Why I Cheated on My Husband
    I can't tell anyone about myself, my life in full, my feelings, that's why I want to tell my story here. Thank you in advance for reading. I am constantly under emotional stress, and I feel like I'm playing some kind of role.I am 39 years old, I have everything... or had, or thought I had. In appear...
  • Now I know what happiness looks like
    I was born into a large, poor family in a small provincial town. Parents alllife fought for survival. In the 90s this was the norm. Parents always believed that a person must have a higher education, and they tried in every possible way to give all their children the opportunity to study at a univer...
  • The reason for our separation was the guy's parents
    I am 24 years old. In June 2018, I met a guy, his parents purchased a vacation package from me. Then itmy mother asked me to call him (her son) for help in obtaining a visa. When I dialed his number, I immediately felt as if I was calling a person I knew very well, like deja vu.We immediately starte...
  • I forgave the guy, but I still don’t want to be with him
    I would like to share a story and ask for advice. The fact is that my boyfriend and I started dating when we were in college together, we were 18 years old.We dated for 8 months. But it so happened that I had to enroll inuniversity , we entered one in another city (in Russia), and 2 of his friends a...
  • For my mother, I have always been an unloved daughter
    We had 6 children in our family. Everyone has the same father . We lived in a workers' village, the children followed each other every 2-3 years. Mom didn't work for a long time. We lived on one salary. We survived. But they didn’t go naked, they didn’t sit hungry. My mother worked like hell, they h...
  • Looking at the world without rose-colored glasses
    I have long wanted to write my ownConfession , but there was no time, and I couldn’t get around to it.We all, up to a certain age, wear rose-colored glasses, suffer from romanticism and belief in “real immortal, imperishable” feelings -relationship ,family ,love , fidelity. Butlife shows that we hum...
  • My sad story
    Я был всегда слабым и хилым ребенком. В первом классе надо мной часто издевались, избивали. И так продолжалось года 4-5, каждый день побои, издевательства, унижения. В то время у нас была жесткая конкуренция и все были разбиты, ну на группы, что ли. Приходили новенькие. И нас, тех, кто ни к кому не ...