
A daughter is one of the most precious gifts a family can give. She brings warmth and light, joy and happiness into the home. A daughter is a little princess who needs to be protected and cherished. She teaches us to be more caring and attentive, improves our communication and helps us to understand each other better. A daughter is also our future, our hope and our pride. We should try to give her everything she needs to grow into a strong and confident woman. After all, the future of our family and society as a whole depends on her.

  • She offered her stepfather a nursing home, but he was offended
    I'm between two fires. On the one hand, I am a single mother with a small daughter. She needs goodupbringing , a huge amount of attention and childhood. On the other hand, I have an old stepfather, who is 84 years old and lives in a rickety house in the village.I don't remember my real father. Only ...
  • My wife manipulates not only me, but also the children
    Only after living with my wife for 10 years of marriage did I realize what a manipulator she is. Before that, I just thought that it was my fault that I didn’t do something again, so she gets offended and stops talking to me.The first such silence happened a few months after our wedding. Then I forg...
  • Why can't I love my own child?
    Since I gave birth, I have not been myself. No, I was quick-tempered and nervous about little things before, but not cruel, no. From the first month of my life, I combed the depths of the Internet in search of revelations from women who found themselves in a similar situation. I admit, my soul felt ...
  • Mother-in-law violated the will of her late daughter-in-law
    I leftmarry a man who has 2 marriages behind him, the first, as usual, broke up due to his youth, the second ended in great misfortune -wife died of cancer.From this marriage there was a little girl left, whom I later adopted. There are two children from his first marriage, whom theyMom kicked them ...
  • Mother doesn't want to communicate normally
    I am 31 years old. Imarried and I have an eight year olddaughter . I have complex onesrelationship with my mother, who is constantly offended by me and constantly demands financial help.At the age of 19 I leftmarried ​My parents did not have a stable income, my father was a musician,Mom is a realtor...
  • I don't communicate with my mother-in-law
    I have already written a story here about my relationship with my mother-in-law, I want to write a continuation.I still talked to my mother-in-law and said that I didn’t consider living together in any way, literally at all, but she continued her weekly visits for 2-3 days. You can judge me, but I t...
  • My daughter hates me
    Daughter is 15 years old. For the last six months I’ve completely gotten out of hand, and have dropped to a bad grade. Hergirlfriends , most often, lead an immoral lifestyle, onthe question where it goes, the answer is: “what should I do at home, it’s boring.” And he just leaves. She doesn’t spend t...
  • I'm strong, I can handle it
    Nowadays, you can achieve anything if you have the desire, of course, to achieve at least something... I was able to test this in practice. Over the past three or four years, so many unpleasant things have happened, but the positive attitude has not diminished. On the contrary, already now, having r...
  • I don't love my niece
    Mysister raisedone daughter . She allowed her everything, indulged her in everything and refused nothing. She raised a selfish girl, as you would expect. I told her that she would still cry with such a daughter, but my sister only got angry.And so it happened. My niece is already 20 years old; she d...
  • My boyfriend spoils his little sister too much
    I have a wonderful, hotbeloved and no less lovingboy . Not long ago I moved into his family’s house -mother , father,sister andBrother . And everything is great, but...Because of his little sister, I'm just panicking. Firstly, he is 25, she is 9, and until she was three years old, he was like a nann...
  • The daughter realized her mistake, but it was too late
    I haveThe daughter was also problematic, like the author of the story, who cannot cope with raising her daughter. My daughter just didn’t gain weight, but rather lost weight. Which also really scared me. And the bans also had no effect on her. She lay down and looked at the wall and refused to eat. ...
  • I don't approve of my mom's choice
    Now I'm 20 years old. Two years ago, my dad suddenly died due to a doctor’s mistake, and my mom and I were left alone. But six months later she found solace in another man. Andrey is 10 years older than her, he has a smalldaughter , she is 5 years old. Andrey is divorced, but still lives with his wi...
  • The man I loved didn’t accept my child, so I gave my daughter to my father
    I havechild , he is 3 years old. There is also a formerhusband andDarling man .The man I love loves me, even loves me very much. But at the beginning of our relationship, he could not accept my child, so we broke up (he left). Two weeks later he realized that he couldn’t live without me, so he retur...
  • The daughter said that she was tired of her always dissatisfied father
    We were married. We havedaughter . We lived with him for 2 years and I left. He beat me when he was drunk, humiliated me, insulted me. And himMom could say a lot of hurtful words to me. I went outgot married at 18, maybe that’s why she endured everything, andMy upbringing did not allow me to answer ...
  • I want a normal family
    I want to tell the real story of my divorce from my wife and explain its reasons. Explain, rather, for myself, because... Because of women's solidarity, I do not hope for objectivity in the comments under this confession.Today I am happy because I have two wonderful microorganisms, two and four year...
  • Couldn't cope with raising my daughter
    I often read stories about troubled teenagers and always sympathized with the children. I believed that adults cannot convey information correctly, pay attention, they only brush it off and lecture.Now Imother of such a teenager. My daughter is 15 years old. Lazy, slob and rude. One word from me giv...
  • I'm ashamed of my daughter
    Imother raising alone her only and beloveddaughter . The child is already 17 years old. There is a catastrophe in our family. Daughter in 10th grade. In January, I had a toothache and went to a paid clinic. There we were received by a girl dentist, but literally a week later she flew off on vacation...
  • How to get your beloved man back?
    I am 30 years old, my husband is 28. We lived with our common-law husband for almost 4 years. The first two years were amazing. And I was easy-going, didn’t nag, didn’t control. Well, then, apparently, she began to pester him. He himself is also explosive in nature at times, don’t even ask a word ab...
  • After a conflict with my husband, I thought about divorce
    I want to tell you about my life story, which repeats itself extremely rarely - once a year or a year and a half, but it happens. My husband seems to behave normally when he drinks, but what I’ll describe now also happens.Today, for example, we haven’t seen him for 13 days. At first I was at sea wit...
  • Hatred for daughter-in-law
    After reading a story where an adultmy son doesn’t want to communicate with his mother, I’ll tell you about the relationships in our family. I'm the eldestmother's daughter . The family is large and their only, long-awaited and beloved son is mine.Brother . And when he got married, I watched until m...