I'm pregnant without my husband and boyfriend

I'm pregnant without my husband and boyfriend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I met a guy while traveling. Unsociable, tall, thin, spoke Russian. Before leaving we got to know each other well. I found out that he used drugs. This is how my story began.

Daily calls and video calls, 24/7 chat (although I don't like long chats), promise not to use drugs. We planned to meet, we met a month after leaving. I came to his city for a short time, we met. He decided to introduce me to my mother, on the second day he suggested that I take the drug that he uses, we did not sleep until the morning.

On the morning of the third day I heard him talking to someone, a female voice told me that it was a friend from another city. After the conversation he wanted to continue with me, but I refused. He left, just left and turned off his phone, blocked me everywhere.

Two weeks later I found out thatpregnant ​I always thought that I would take it for granted, but I am hysterical in the form of laughter, I want to cry, but I don’t know if it’s from joy. I want to tell my family, but with what emotions? Good news like pregnancy? test-antibiotic.com I told close friends, so far the score is 3:2 in favor of childbirth.

It’s all like a dream, then I wake up and none of this is there. Increased sensitivity to smells and tastes, irritates everything around: people, sounds, things and even the weather. Today I changed my mind about abortion.

I decided to call him and tell him, but I know he is not brave or responsible after he disappeared. I called, pretended not to hear, dropped the phone and immediately turned it off. Everything became clear. So the score is 3:3.

Toxicosis has begun, I'm at work,My colleagues don’t know, and how can I tell them? UnmarriedA girl without a boyfriend suddenly became pregnant. Sometimes I think I should have an abortion, but I can’t decide on it.

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