I am grateful to my first husband for science

I am grateful to my first husband for science
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I wasmarried 2 times. FirstShe loved her husband madly, he was handsome and loving. For a long time I closed my eyes to his “pranks”, I kept psyching myself up to find an approach. ByeMy husband didn’t raise his hand against me.

No one is interested in obedient wives, they only irritate. I took my baby son and went to the apartment. I switched to another job and got my own housing in a communal apartment. I couldn’t get over this breakup for a long time. Then it let go. Many people courted me, I chose the one who followed me like a shadow for a couple of years. We worked together. Back then, no one stood out especially financially. This “second” was already married. I had to go through many troubles, including the persecution of my first husband.

In this second marriage, I felt like a woman, loved. I probably didn’t love my second husband, but I was grateful to him, he was there in any situation. For my son, my second husband became a real father, and already in his senior year he officially adopted him, so they themselves decided. My children have the same last and middle names. I buried my second husband a long time ago, but his last name test-antibiotic.com protected our children for a long time, my husband left a good memory of himself, his friends still haven’t forgotten him.

25 years have passed since his death. And our children are now adults and take care of both me and their father’s grave. The grandchildren know this grandfather, although they have never seen him. And the first one has a familylife didn't work out that way. I never wanted anything, I earned little, I kept looking for someone to blame. I am very grateful to him for science.

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