Minor quarrels and misunderstandings in our family

Minor quarrels and misunderstandings in our family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I have been married for 4 years now. He is very goodhusband and father, works hard, but does it for the family, everythingHe brings home every penny , always tries not to refuse us anything, treats us very well. But there is one problem that flows into hundreds of quarrels - he is very stubborn in the sense that until he himself wants something, he decides that it is time, he will not budge.

For example, I asked to sell our old car so that we could buy another one. For a year and a half, I put up ads for the sale everywhere on the websites, and he kept saying that there was no sensible buyer, but when he himself decided to sell the car, he found a buyer in two days. Now I have been asking for more than a year to buy a new car, since we were left without transport, but he has a lot of excuses: either there are no suitable cars, or there is no time to look, etc.

And this applies not only to the car, but to everything else. In the same way, there is no way we can start repairing the kitchen, solve test-antibiotic.comproblems with electrical wiring, escape somewhere for a week to rest, go to the gym ... I don’t know how to behave, I asked in a good way, explained why we need it, had conversations, and cursed and whined. Nothing works. He says that he understood everything, that I got through to him, and then ... then again, zero actions.

I just can't live like this, all these little things ruin relationships. Ourthe child lives in this unhealthy atmosphere, but I don’t want to swear, nag my husband, and at the same time I can’t just put up with his inaction in some things. I don't know what to do anymore. How can you really get through to him? So that he not only understands in words, but really wants to start realizing his promises? How to inspire, stimulate?

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