My husband became disgusting to me

My husband became disgusting to me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband was worried that minethe body after childbirth will become completely unattractive. But I reassured him, because I myself believed that I could quickly recover. Although I gained a decent amount of weight during pregnancy, I thought that immediately after childbirth I would do exercises, walk a lot with a stroller. But it was not so!

All the time of pregnancyMy husband criticized me, saying that not only was my belly growing, but my thighs had also become fat and unattractive. I was surprised how a thirty-year-oldThe man does not understand that during pregnancy a woman changes not for the better. And then pigment spots appeared.

But the bullying started on the very first day when I came home from the maternity hospital with my baby. My husband was surprised that my belly hadn't become the same as before, because the baby was no longer there. I explained that my belly had stretched and it would take time to return to its former state. I gave him literature to read, videos to watch, but he wasn't interested in any of it.

After giving birth I had 11 extra kilos. A lot, of course, but I did not lose hope of losing weight. ButThe child took up all my time, and I often didn't even have time to eat, let alone do exercises. It was summer, hot, I walked around the house in a top and shorts, but when my husband said that he found me disgusting to look at, I was shocked. He said: "Why are you shaking your fat here?"

I couldn't go on a diet because I was breastfeeding. I decided to tell my mother-in-law and mom everything. But he came to usfather husband and told him in detail how a husband and father should behave (for which I am very grateful to him). My husband was angry with me, said that I had snitched on my parents, but he stopped criticizing and insulting me.

Now my son is already 3 years old. I went back to work, there is time for fitness. My husband has changed, he compliments me, but I can'tforget how he treated me with disdain, did not help with the child. I became disgusted with him. I am thinking about divorce, despite the child, although he does not have paternal feelings for his son. There is no habit of walking with the child, communicating, all the time he says that he needs to take him to grandparents on weekends. Hiding behind the fact that they are bored.

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