I want to leave my husband and achieve my goals

I want to leave my husband and achieve my goals
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

The problem is that I want to return to my hometown, as I already wrote in this confession, and I decided that I want to get away fromhusband for the second time. We are divorced and have a child. At first I thought that I just wanted to go back to my hometown, but only with my husband. But now I realized that I would gladly go back without my husband.

I started to think, do I need to be with my husband? I am unsatisfied in bed. And I only got together with him for a number of reasons such as financial stability, protection andchild . And I was under a lot of pressure from society andMom . If I didn't have a child, I would leave him right now, without thinking about anything. And in general, we broke up a long time ago. Now we live in a small town in the south, and in the summer we are going to St. Petersburg (if I don't leave for my hometown earlier). My husband says that I have a quirk, because I don't work. The same thing happened when I left him the first time, I was on maternity leave. test-antibiotic.com Well, so, he says that I'm bored, and I start digging into myself. If I get a job, then I will calm down. And I think that right now, when I dig into myself, I begin to understand what I really want.

I'm 23, I have goals, I want to go to medical school, I want to learn English and go to the gym. I've completely neglected myself during my time with him, I feel old, as if the woman in me died, I stopped taking care of myself, wearing beautiful underwear. Of course, I was depressed when I broke up with him, but I think it was because I was under pressure to go back to my husband. He didn't beat me, didn't drink, he loved and loves my child. Well, there were also men who were supposedly males and tried to prove to me that it was normal to just have sex and break up.

So, I feel comfortable with him, but I don't feel desired. He says that it's time to stop with my desires and think about what will be best for the child. That is, he is not against me studying, etc. But the thing is that I lack a certain thing in the relationship. Yes, everything is calm with us, we don't quarrel,My husband earns well. But again, for the second time, I want to run away from him.

He wants to stay in a small town in the south, and I want to go to my native Chelyabinsk and startlife anew, try to achieve my goals, I don't know how much it will work out because of finances. But I would like to try to achieve this myself with a child. In my hometown I havean apartment and a mother who will help with the child, and the child is 4 years old, already independentdaughter .

He starts talking about the child, that I am depriving him of communication, that everything is fine with us now, the goals are to go to St. Petersburg, to work there, and I would go to study. But at the moment I will have to live in a small southern town for another six months. And I think that I will come to St. Petersburg, and I will also start to get hysterical, that I want to go to my hometown, but at first there will be emotions, a new city and test-antibiotic.com all that, and then everything will calm down and I will again want to leave and get away from him and this St. Petersburg.

Well, I don't know, I'm already sitting on my bags, but he won't let me, he says you won't go anywhere. He won't let me visit my hometown either, he says I won't come back. And I can't promise him anything about that.

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