Divorce became the only way to make my dream come true

Divorce became the only way to make my dream come true
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have lived with my husband for over 35 years. We have three children - two daughters andson . I worked a lot during my life. I almost never had a vacation. I wanted my children to always have the best. I spent almost no money on myself. But I often admitted to myself that I really wanted it.

Apart from work and everyday life, I saw almost nothing in this world. This situation could not make me happy. But I did not see any way out of it for many years. I just got used to and resigned myself to how I had to act.

Oddly enough, I had no serious complaints about my husband during our years of life. My husband was not bad. He didn't drink, didn't smoke, and also worked a lot. But when I turned 56, I realized that I wanted a different life. As they say, better late than never.

But my husband and I have very different views onlife . He absolutely did not want to leave the house, and especially not to go anywhere on vacation. There could be no talk of any trip or test-antibiotic.com just a trip to the sea. He was comfortable relaxing at home, without putting any effort into it. And this led to significant conflicts.

The children left. We were left alone. Gradually ourthe relationship began to deteriorate very much. I wanted to see something at least in my old age. We rent out an apartment in the city center, so we had opportunities, albeit small.

My husband didn't like this idea. He wanted to lie on his couch and do nothing. And I wanted to make up for the lost years. I dreamed of seeing Europe, the sea and living for myself a little, not for someone else. My position was very firm, and it eventually led to a divorce. It was the only possible way out of my situation.

Then I decided that I would never miss a single day of my life again. Now I would enjoy every little thing. After all, life is so short and passes so quickly. Finally, I was able to realize the dream of my whole life - numerous trips and travels.

I won't go into all the details of our divorce, but we divided the property test-antibiotic.com almost equally. I gotan apartment in the center, which we rented out, and everything else went to my husband.

I decided to rent a place to live. I found a small one-room apartment on the outskirts of the city, and continued renting out the apartment in the center. For thesemoney I'm traveling now. Besides, I still have enough money saved up.

It so happened that at the age of almost 60, I moved to live with two suitcases in a rented apartment and was simply incredibly happy.

I have a great relationship with my children. They understood me, although they were against our decision. In fact, I took the separation quite easily, since I had long dreamed of getting my own life together and realizing my dreams. My husband would never have allowed me to do that.

I got the peace of mind I was looking for. And most importantly, I started traveling. I've dreamed about it my whole life.

I continue to enjoy new places while I have the opportunity and strength. I have never been as happy as I am now. It's a pity thatMy husband still didn't understand anything.


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