What does love at a distance lead to?

What does love at a distance lead to?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

The story begins with the fact that at 16 I met a girl (I'm 24 now). We dated for a year, loved each other, but then something terrible happened: her parents were military and theirthe family was forced to move to another city. She left, but we couldn'tforget each other and continued to "date". Of course, everything was limited to correspondence via SMS, ICQ, Skype.

A year later she was able to come for a while, everything was fine again. We lived together for 2 weeks and, in general, for all 7 years the situation was like this: she came 4 times a year, and I only came 2 times. She constantly complained that she didn’t have enough attention, but I worked a lot and didn’t answer right away.

Before that I was afraid to miss even a text message, but then July 2012 came, I came to her and everything seemed to be fine… That same year we took a break for a couple of months and didn’t call each other at all. At the end of January 2013 she came again, I thought that we had made up… And everything would be test-antibiotic.com fine. But when she left, she said that she had been living with another guy for more than three months.

I'm panicking. It seems like we haven't dotted all the i's yet, and she's already living with someone else, and I'm left alone. Why did she come? She says she's afraid to leave me and not communicate at all. I ask: do you love him? She says no, she feels almost nothing for him, but she still lives with him. But she has more feelings for me than for the other guy.

What should I do: try to forget her or write, call, remind her of myself? I can't figure out what to do at all. For me, this is a stab in the back.

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