My red-haired children are of interest to all my friends

My red-haired children are of interest to all my friends
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Perhaps my situation will seem stupid or far-fetched. But, as they say, it's a sore point. I'm 35 years old, 25 of which I've been a brunette. My natural hair color is light brown with a red tint. As a child, I was a bright redhead, then as I grew older, I darkened a little.

But deep down I always wanted to be a brunette. When I was a teenager I dyed my hair black and I don't regret it. It's beautiful and bright. No one could guess that it wasn't my real color because in addition to that I got a light tan and wore brown contact lenses.

Everything was great, I was happy with everything. I went outget married . Naturally.The husband is aware of all the transformations, you can't hide it from him, although he takes it calmly. If you want - wear it, if you don't want - don't wear it. Children were born. A son anddaughter redheads, both like me. And that's where it all started!

Everyone, literally every friend or relative asks me: "Who do your children take after for being so red-haired?" At first I lied: "After my husband." My husband doesn't always march in formation with us. By the way, he is fair-haired. When he is with us, won't work with such an answer. And I am tired of lying, I started saying that it is after me. That I am a red-haired person and dye my hair. Then comes the classic question: "Why?" Well, what can I say? If I don't like red hair, then I don't like my children, is that it? If I like red hair, then why don't I go as I am and dye my hair black?

In short, I'm confused and tired. Maybe someone can help me with advice, I'll be grateful. I would already be a redhead, screw it, if only everyone would leave me alone with such questions, but growing out my natural color is long and tedious, and I don't really want to.

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