The man doesn't introduce me to his parents

The man doesn't introduce me to his parents
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Meeting parents and relatives. When we were 35. He hadfamily , there is a child. I had a family twice, I have two children. We meet, everything is fine.

But it gnaws at me inside, and I can no longer leave myself alone. He doesn't introduce him to his parents. We spend a lot of time with my children, I know my mother (father died). But he’s in no hurry to introduce me as his own. Once I started this conversation, he asked: “Do you want it?” They are interested and ask to meet.” To which I replied that I don’t want to. I answered for the reason that I had so much pride, I immediately thought that he was just saying that, he didn’t offer it himself, he didn’t start this conversation.

And now Christmas is upon us. And in the usual family traditions, he will spend Christmas with his family. He asked me what I would do for Christmas. I think, what should I do? What conclusions are best to draw from this? This means that others were smart and beautiful worthy of the honor of introducing them to their parents, but that means I am not worthy. Or is it called grown up? But why then is Christmas with them and not with me?

This all hurt me so much. We are developing friendshipsrelationship , and at first I thought that I was finally lucky with a man, but now I thought: “should I allow myself to spend so much time with him along with my children?”

Am I screwing myself over? This is fine? It is quite possible that he does not want to let me near the family, because he has already been burned and does not want to rush things ahead of time. But before me he introduced his lovers, I clarified this point. And so I ask, what could be the reasons not to introduce him to his parents if he is serious? We've been dating for six months. We don't live together.

I wonder and decided to ask you, because I understand that with my life experience, I am psychologically traumatized in this matter and may not see the truth.

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