My husband needs everything, just not sex

My husband needs everything, just not sex
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 41, my husband is 43, and I have a teenage child. We help each other in everything, we manage everyday life. My husband and I were different people. He is a morning person and falls asleep early, I am a night owl. He doesn't like company, I like meetings, people, I needcommunication .

My problem is that I stopped receiving sex fromhusband . This happens only in the most convenient case, if the stars align. The suspicion of having a mistress was investigated and I will say that there is none. To talkMy husband is not coming, regarding our question. A couple of times I even said that I would find a lover. But it doesn't work. He is a self-confident person, and if something doesn’t feel right to me, he says, look for someone else.

The fact is that in our youth, it seemed to me that we suited each other well. I had an orgasm with him. But after the birth of the child, he began to recover, it was he, not me. Previously sports, scored onsports , takes care of everyday life, helps with business, I appreciate it. When was he born?son , I didn’t experience orgasm, my husband’s stomach grew, and I stopped having orgasms. Naturally, tired of household chores, sometimes I had to refuse.

To be honest, the lack of orgasm during sex was the reason for refusals. But refusals were not frequent. I was very tormented and worried, he did not look for a way and, in principle, was not very enlightened in this matter. Now, on occasion, he reminds me of this time of my refusals now. Troubles with the child occupied my time, and I was not very tired. My husband pesters me, wants me, what else do you need to feel okay?

Years passed, we finally got our own bedroom, we changed apartments. But the time began, when refusals began on his part, he stopped pestering. I understand that the child has grown up, I need to be more careful. And everything can be understood. But everything has changed. I began to think, analyze, and read something on these topics. Nowsex became only possible if he was not tired, not sleeping, a guarantee of the absence of strangers. I understand that he has low testosterone, low temperament, I began to remember him in his youth, and the facts were found there.

But this is not my whim, my desire has increased greatly, due to age, I have learned to have an orgasm again, and this is my merit. Sex only on weekends. I hint, I explain, but he doesn’t care, he believes in himself and his charisma, I say, go in for sports, he replies that in his youth he gave himself to him. I was visiting my relatives, and I still rated myself as fat, comparing myself with my relatives and peers. I thought the ice would break.

I need sex more than ever, and at the same time it becomes physiologically difficult, I look at men with interest, I cut myself off in my thoughts, and think, why did I get someone like that? He never bothers me at night, he only sleeps. And the further it goes, the worse it gets. I don’t want to doom myself; thoughts of betrayal come constantly. I am attractive and men like me. All I have to do is respond. But I really don’t want to do this. I can't fight anymore.

My husband is a good, reliable man, but when he is around, I suffer and suffer. She suggested that we go to the gym together, she regrets both money and time.

Tell me, what's wrong? Do I have the right to the remaining female happiness? I'm not old yet and I have a figure. How to continue to live? I'm nervous and that's all.

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