I don't want to pay alimony to my ex-wife

I don't want to pay alimony to my ex-wife
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I broke up with my ex-wife after she cheated on me. We divided the property in half, and with my daughter too.communication several times a week as determined by the court. Immediately after the divorce, the exthe wife leftgot married , then gave birth to another child.

AboutI don't know anything about her husband , but according to my daughter, he doesn't contact her at all. He pretends she doesn't exist. He doesn't want to communicate, he's rude. I tried to talk to him a couple of times, and it almost came to blows. It turned out that my ex-wife was cheating on me. She was texting me, meeting behind my back. It's really disgusting. He lives with my daughter, and I can't even take her away, my ex-wife is dead set on it, andThe court refused me. She defends her new husband , saying that it is none of my business.

But that's not what irritates me the most. After the divorce, I found a good job, they pay very well. The alimony is more than even my previous salary. I don't regret anything for my daughter, if it were for her, and not for my ex-wife and her husband. She's on maternity leave, he holds test-antibiotic.com a not very high position. And she buys herself an iPhone, or a car inthey took out a loan , so they went on vacation. It's good, at least with a child. When I ask whatmoney , he is silent. OnWhen asked what she bought for her child, she replies that she is not obliged to report. Why didn't she buy her daughter a jacket, why did she promise a bicycle and not buy one? She replies to everything that it is none of her business.

There are no words. And it makes me mad as hell. Not only did we part as enemies, and I have to grit my teeth and endure it in front of my daughter, but he also spends the money intended for her on his own pleasure and on himself. I tried to talk to the guardianship authorities. They went to see her, checked everything - nothing to complain about. Lawyers say that alimony can only be reduced by proving that it is being spent on the wrong thing, but there is no demand from the ex. And how can I prove it? Assign someone to her?

My child will soon start school, and she is directly hinting to me that I should fork out for the courses. I can hardly restrain myself from being rude. I would switch to a gray salary, and buy everything for my daughter myself, but the employer refuses. test-antibiotic.com And I don’t want to go to another job to my own detriment. It was quite difficult to get to this position.

The situation is disgusting. I feel sick of my ex-wife, everything inside me is burning with hatred. Why did she do this and yet she is happy and content everywhere now? And I work until late in the evening so that she can go to a restaurant with her husband at my expense once again?

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