My parents' behavior during quarantine made my husband angry

My parents' behavior during quarantine made my husband angry
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

When my whole family found themselves in self-isolation, I was somewhat happy. There was never enough time to rest,communication with children. And household chores have piled up.

Once the shock of fear of the coronavirus had worn off a bit, we enjoyed doing nothing. But the idyll didn't last long, and it wasn't because of the kids. They were the ones who caused the least trouble. They were almost always busy playing on their phones, and the eldestMy son was studying remotely.

The thing is that we live together with my parents. Our apartment is big, five-room, we once sold two three-room apartments to live together. Until now, we communicated normally, but the quarantine ruined itrelationship .

The parents didn't want to stick to the rules, they wentgo for a walk every day ,father could have gone to the store for a pack of cookies. That is, there was no need for this,My husband bought groceries every other day, we ordered a lot throughinternet . And this ignoring led to conflict.

At first my husband told me everything, that I cannot influence my father andmother , then could not stand it any longer and told her father, that they were endangering not only their ownhealth , but also us and the children. Dad's answer made him even more angry.husband , when he replied: "We have experienced much more than your invented virus, nothing can scare me anymore." After the argument, the husband packed his things, took the children and went by taxi to his parents.

I found myself between two fires. At first, my husband didn't even call, and then he started persuading me to move in with them. But I don't want to, I'm at home here, and besides, my mother-in-law has a two-room apartment.apartment . Where should we all move permanently? Live in one room with his parents or with the children? But he is stubborn and does not want to come back. I don’t know what to do. I’m afraid that we will get divorced because of my parents.

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