How to communicate with your boss after what happened?

How to communicate with your boss after what happened?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I started a new job and was initially charmed by the team and management. They accepted me very well, started teaching me how to work, essentially from scratch. Having learned about my health problems, they started givingadvice and come up with ways to improve mylife . My soul was really happy about what good people I found myself with.

My boss was especially kind to me. I'm over 30, Imarried , rather unsuccessfully. My husband is a tough, cold, rude person. I am seriously thinking about divorce, waiting for the right moment. There ischild .

I have never seen such care from any man in my life as from my boss. Unfortunately, fromher husband is not there at all. In the first days it happened that the boss blushed when talking to me, which I wrote off to the fact that he liked me. He is much older. He seemed to me very calm, positive, kind. It was very pleasant to communicate with such a person.

I tend to get attached to people very quickly, to fall in love with the men around me. And in the few months that I've been working there, I've certainly gotten attached to this man. Yes, I liked him, there's an attraction from my side, I wouldn't mind having such a husband. But if I have in my thoughtsdivorce , then this person, judging by everything, has a happy personal life. I, being stupid, made him quite frank compliments several times, which made it clear that I was interested in him. On the one hand, this is not very good and beautiful, probably. On the other hand, these are only compliments, I am not hanging on his neck, just looking and talking is not forbidden.

And then the nightmare began! The colleague with whom I and this boss sit together in the same office turned out to be not as good as I had initially thought. At first, I was surprised why such a nice and good woman had conflicts with several other employees. Then it turned out that the person was very fixated on the negative and liked to discuss other people's shortcomings. I was upset that she was always dissatisfied with others, denigrated everyone, especially in conversations with the boss. I tried not to participate in these conversations or, on the contrary, to say something good about these people.

Then it turned out that this woman likes to appropriate other people's achievements. For example, I help her with work, she will then tell her boss that she did everything herself. I will find out information and voice it in front of her, she will run to tell her boss first, she will not let me get a word in. She also hasthe habit of controlling everyone. She can pester any employee with criticism and lectures, remind that he forgot to do some work, interfere in other people's conversations with the boss. In a word, the person tries to create the appearance that she is the best worker, irreplaceable, knows everything, and the others are fools who need to be controlled.

This is quite an annoying behavior, but I did not go into open conflict, I just tried to protect myself from this woman as best I could. But there is one nuance - she likes our boss. And she did not like that I was building mycommunication with him. If I showed any reciprocal concern for the boss, she would criticize me for sucking up to him. At the same time, she herself would openly start sucking up to him, just to surpass me. I think it's all because she likes him, likeman . This is not just a desire to curry favor. I did not change my behavior, as she would like. Once even the boss hinted to her to be more restrained. But this does not mean that he is on my side. On the contrary, she has quite a lot of influence on him, since they have been working together for a long time.

And then something happened that turned everything upside down. I was taking advanced training, for which, they say, we are entitled to a bonus. This colleague tried to persuade me not to take advanced training, saying that it interferes with work, and no one will give a bonus, it's just talk. I was not interested in the bonus, I was afraid that I would be fired if I did not improve my qualifications, this sometimes happens with us. I decided to appease this colleague and gave her the answers to the tests so that she could easily and quickly take advanced training. She was very pleased. I gave the answers to the boss too.

Then there was the second round of tests. And when I gave them the answers again, I heard that I had to take the tests for them on their computers in their name, since I do it so well. I consider this impudence. After all, I gave people the answers, but they were too lazy to move. I said that I would not take the tests for them, I have the answers, they want to take them themselves. Andthe attitude towards me immediately became very bad. It just amazed me. From thiscolleagues it was expected. But from my kind and good boss - it was terrible. I did not sleep the night, the next day I told him that I was ready to pass the tests for him, but not for other ordinary employees like me. He answered that it was a trifle, and I take everything too close to heart. He keeps silent about the tests. He still helps me with work, teaches me. But he is very cold to me.

I don't know what to do. It's not the right time to quit, I needmoney . And is that a reason? Until I get fired. They just stopped communicating with me in a friendly manner. I became attached to this man, he is physically attractive to me, despite this behavior. It is very difficult for me to accept that he turned out to be so petty, vindictive and selfish. That he is not at all as kind as he seemed. Everything white has simply turned black. I feel like I am in a bad dream. He behaves as if I betrayed him. I do not know how to restore the previous communication with him. And is it necessary?

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