School Love Story

School Love Story
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

There are many stories about lovers, betrayals and treachery on this site. I will tell you a real story about my good friends - Sveta and Igor.

I met Igor at work. I have known Sveta for many years. Igor and Sveta are former classmates. Sveta studied at our village school from the first grade, Igor transferred in the eighth, and in the ninth they got together. No one believed in the longevity of their relationship, since Igor isthe son of the richest man in the village, and Sveta, on the contrary, is the poorest.

They often argued. After the 11th grade, the guys went their separate ways, but eventually both returned to the village. And both to their parents. Sveta because of troubles in her personal life (she divorced her husband), Igor because of his mother's illness. They got back together. They got married 3 years later. Igor once told me that Sveta pulled him out of depression after his mother's death. They are a very close-knit family , but childless (Svetlana's infertility is why her first husband left her).husband ).

So, here's what I'm getting at. Believe in love! Even when you think it's all over and there's no more love in your life, don't despair and don't give up. There is goodness andLove .

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