My granddaughter's bad parents

My granddaughter's bad parents
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

MyThe son and his wife lived for only two years. However, they managed to have a child, whom heThe wife took it for herself after the divorce. The granddaughter was only one year old at the time.

The divorce was difficult, in court they voiced a banal reason - "their personalities did not get along". In fact, she cheated on my son. He himself caught her in bed with another man (my granddaughter was with me at the time, and he came earlier than usual). Yes, just like in a bad joke.

He loved her very much, so he didn't want to give itdivorce . And she, when he found out everything, sighed with relief, said that she was now free and glad that everything was revealed. She did not give any hope for reconciliation, said that she loved him. I did not interfere, I simply told my son one day to let her go, after all, you can’t command your heart.

And he let go, butcame to his daughter every day . And she, meanwhile, ran off on dates. The son could not forbid her, and did not want the girl to grow up without a father. He himself bought her gifts, clothes, took her to parks and the clinic, but the former test-antibiotic.comThe daughter-in-law filed for alimony anyway. She explained that she doesn't work and it's hard for her to support the child. But in reality, it seems to me that shemoney was needed for meetings with a lover.

One weekend she gave us her granddaughter, saying she would come for her on Monday. But she didn't show up on Monday or Tuesday. My son called her, trying to ask where she was and when she would arrive, but the phone was silent. A week later she showed up herself. She called and said she had gotten a job as a cook in a cafe, and that she would now have shifts until 1 a.m. She was ready to give her to us.daughter to live with until she gets better.

So a month or two passed, my granddaughter lived with me and my son,The mother called and showed up a couple of times. But she continued to receive alimony as before, without giving a penny to the child. She said that she needed to furnish the apartment in order to take her daughter.

As absurd as it may sound, my son agreed. He told me that he didn't want the girl to be raised by stepfathers who were constantly changing. And to go toHe was afraid to go to court and officially determine the child's place of residence, since the courts always side with the mother. Then I supported my son in his decision.

More than 10 years have passed. All this time I have been raising my granddaughter. The so-called mother rarely calls, appears even less often, but alimony from the exHer husband gets paid regularly. The money there is not much, but still.

The granddaughter is not attached to her mother at all. And there is nothing surprising about this, she does not really know her. It is the same with my son.problems – he started drinking heavily. He still holds on at work, but I don’t know how long it will last. He also doesn’t take care of his daughter, doesn’t devote any time or attention to her. Periodically tries to improve his personallife . I've already gone to live with a woman twice, but nothing worked out between them.

What's the problem now? My granddaughter is growing up, expenses are increasing, it's becoming very difficult for me to support us. I'm already retired, and I'm disabled, and I have high expenses formedicines . Part of the son's salary goes to alimony, he just drinks away the rest, and crumbs remain.

I tried to talk to my ex-daughter-in-law about paying child support, but she started hinting that she wasn't happy with that option. She said that she would take her daughter for herself. I can't allow that, so I have to back down.

But this is not the only problem. I see that I can no longer cope with raising the girl on my own. The class teacher complains that she sometimes misses classes, has stopped trying in class, and can be rude to the teacher. A couple of times I smelled cigarettes. Talking to her has not yielded any results yet. I am worried that the girl will do something stupid at such an early age.

I will not be officially given custody of the child due to disability and age, even if these worthless parents are deprived of rights to the child. If I start such a process, I am afraid that my granddaughter will end up in an orphanage and then there will be no hope for a normal life. But I cannot allow this.

What should I do? How should I act in this situation? Money andthere aren't always enough products , I'm making do as best I can. But my granddaughter doesn't understand this yet, she gets angry and demands that I buy her either a phone or new jeans.

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