My friend's father is my lover

My friend's father is my lover
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My name is Veronica . I am 21 years old. I was born and raised in a small city of regional subordination. After finishing school, I went to the regional center to enterUniversity . My dream was to become a translator.

She got in without difficulty and immediately became friends with Lena. After the first year, they went on vacation and became even stronger friends. She became a frequent guest at her home and met her parents. Her mother, Lyudmila Sergeevna, is a housewife.Father Artur Viktorovich, a respectable mid-level businessman. Both are a little over forty.

I started getting invited to family celebrations and trips to the dacha, and the more I was there, the more often I caught her dad's interested glances. He would casually put his hand on my knee, or something else. But I decided not to pay attention to it - you never know what I was imagining.

That December I got very sick, so I didn't have time to properly prepare for the session and failed English. The retake was scheduled for January 5th. Lenka went with her mother to visit her cousin in another city, we often called each other. And then I remembered that I needed the phrasebook that I once gave to Lena. I called her, and she said thatNo problem , I'll call dad, come and pick it up.

I came for the dictionary, looked for it in Lena's room for a long time, then found it, thanked her and wanted to leave, but Arthur blocked the door for me. He hugged me and started whispering something, I don't remember what. He was persistent and strong, my head went blank, and I gave in. Our first intimacy happened on Lena's sofa.

The next morning, I realized what I had done. God, how ashamed I was! I got up, quickly gathered my clothes and wanted to leave, but Arthur did not let me do it. The next 4 days we were together, then I realized that he was the onethe man I was waiting for and looking for.

In the evening Arthur received a call and said he was coming.wife anddaughter . We had to part, but we didn't want to, we just wanted to hug him and never let him go. Two hours later I was already riding in a taxi to the hostel, a week later we met again, already in the apartment that Arthur rented for me, and it became our only island of privacy.

At first it was difficult to communicate with Lena, or rather, it was difficult for me to look her in the eyes, but then everything became normal. Lena knows that I have a man, like any other womangirlfriend , she is interested and gives advice! Artur and I have been together for 3 years. His daughter and wife have known for six months that he has a young passion, but they don’t know who it is yet. And they don’t really want to know. Lena told me that Artur will never leave them, because the business and everything he has is registered in the names of his wife and Lena, and he doesn’t want to be left without anything in his old age.

It seems like everyone is happy, but there is one “but” - mepregnant , 8 weeks. Artur doesn't know yet, and I don't know whether to tell him or not? Lenka found out purely by chance, advises to give birth, and today she said that for the sake of the child, maybe my man will leave the family! And I'm sitting and thinking: "Oh, Lenka, if only you knew what you were advising!"

I don’t have time to think for long, because I have 4 weeks left to decide whether to have a child or not, to decide who is more important to me, my best friend orbeloved man?

Here it isconfession .

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