Why do relatives act like this?

Why do relatives act like this?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It is very painful when loved ones, such as brothers or sisters, betray you.

We had a large family , I am the youngest. My mother died early, and we were left with my father, who drank a lot. My childhood was difficult, and I only had a school education. All the older ones grew up and moved away in different directions. Only my sister and I were left, with whom we do not communicate at all, although we live on the same street. She once said that she wanted everythingforget and cannot forget the insults. I understand her, different things have happened over the years, but the circumstances are to blame, not us.

I work at the market,sister as a janitor. It would seem,pain and generalproblems bring people together, but with us it's the other way around. The elders hardly call or come either. I know thatMy brother got married and has children, but he didn't even come to my father's funeral. I'm the only one unmarried in the family. I'm dating a guy, but he also likes to drink. I'm afraid to tie my fate to him, so I watched my father's antics.

The apartment was sold after my father's death,the money was divided between everyone, or rather not money, but pennies. So the inheritance did not become test-antibiotic.com the reason for our alienation. Sister married , lives withhusband , and I rent a room in a hostel.

At first I tried to communicate, suggested meeting once a year, but no one answered me. Childhood was joyless, and now melancholy and resentment do not allow me to live normally.

Why do relatives act like this?

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