Try to save 20 years together

Try to save 20 years together
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I met my wife at school. Our relationship was on and off: she would leave and then come back. She leftMarried not for love. Borndaughter . During the marriage there were affairs. He always forgave everything. I love you very much.

After her next affair, I forgave her again, conceived a child and went into the army (at 24), where I regained my strength, both moral and physical. She always came to me.

When my second daughter was born, I finished my service and returned home. My wife and I talked a lot, she admitted that she didn't love me, but now she treats me with great respect. The cheating seemed to have ended, work, children. My career was going well. There were quarrels, but like everyone else, I guess.

And just a week ago she said she was leaving. Not leaving for someone else, but just leaving me. She was tired. Although anything could happen.

5 days without sleep and food, 2 packs of cigarettes.

I didn't communicate, I was blocked everywhere.

We talked not long ago.

And then I realized that it was my own fault. I had been acting like an egoist for the last few years. I loved only myself, and I didn't even notice it. I didn't think how hurt she was. I didn't hear her. I stopped giving her my favorite mimosas, although she always said that her dad always gave them to her on the morning of March 8th . She became likeMom , I stopped being a woman. I stopped being likeman for her. He rarely gave flowers and gifts, although he used to always bring gifts when he flew away for work. At home, he spent a lot of time at the computer, and she was alone in the kitchen.

In general, I didn't even notice how much had accumulated in her. I didn't feel it. Even with the children.I had a failed relationship .

Now that she was able to awaken what had apparently become dull by her departure, I realized what a donkey I was. I understand that I can’t change myself – only a psychologist can help. I can’t even imagine a new relationship yet. Yes, perhaps there will be fewer mistakes – she taught me too painful a lesson. For now, I’m analyzing my actions.

In recent years I thought I had learned to trust her. But now I realize it was justindifference .

Trying to get back! Change. 20 years together is a lot! I don't want a new relationship, I want to improve.

Men, if you read this by chance! Be more attentive, less cynical!

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