I'm ashamed in front of my classmates for choosing such a profession.

I'm ashamed in front of my classmates for choosing such a profession.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It's been 10 years since we graduated from school, and it was decided to organize a reunion of classmates. We had never gotten together before, but this year our class teacher also had an anniversary, and we decided to combine these two events.

It was exciting, after all, ten years have passed. I was worried that I had changed and my classmates wouldn’t recognize me. But in this regard, everything went well - they said a bunch of compliments, hovered around me all evening, everything was the same as before. The only thing that spoiled the mood was that almost all of them had settled well in life and earned good money, unlike me, a simple teacher. I was even ashamed to admit that I work at a school. I had to say that I quit and am now working as a freelancer.

Surprisingly, before my job didn’t seem so wretched to me, but after this evening a veil fell from my eyes. What have I seen in this life other than textbooks, notebooks and ungrateful children who either sit in gadgets or stand on their heads when you take away their phones. I can’t even test-antibiotic.com go on vacation anywhere except to the village. I’m sitting at the dacha with my mother and daughter because I can’t afford the trip, even though I’ve been working hard all year.

But my classmates have never been to many places and live for their own pleasure. And the most offensive thing is that all of them at school were ordinary C students, but I was practically an excellent student. And what did it give me! Market sellers earn more than teachers. And no one gets on their nerves, the director can’t stand his mind, and there’s no need to go to advanced training courses.

I’m probably doing the wrong thing, and it’s time to change something in life before it’s too late.