Fear has big eyes

Fear has big eyes
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

This story happened last summer. The city was simply sweltering from the heat, the asphalt melted underfoot. Crazy townspeople went crazy, dreaming of weekends and vacations. It was simply impossible to stay in apartments without air conditioners and fans, and those who did not have these miracles of technology had only one thing to do: open the windows wide in the hope that it would at least be cooler. I did not belong to the category of lucky owners of air conditioners, so when I entered the apartment, the first thing I did was rush to the window frames. Actually, this is where the whole story began.

I woke up early one morning, around seven o'clock. The sun is shining through the windows, it’s fresh, good, I had a wonderful rest, I had pleasant dreams... I stretch and then I realize that there are some extraneous sounds in the room. The only creature living in the apartment besides me, the cat Sonya, is in principle not capable of this. I heard someone's breathing clearly and clearly. A friend of mine had an asthmatic grandfather - and he made exactly the same sounds.

I jumped up as if scalded, I looked around the room - there was no one, only these stupid sounds test-antibiotic.com. I stumbled out of the room into the bathroom, washed my face with ice-cold water, and thought maybe I was just imagining things. I look into the bedroom - someone is snoring and that’s it, even if you burst. There is nothing to do, I need to get ready for work. The boss once made it clear: the only valid reason for absence from work is the death of an employee. And they don’t care about any mysticism from the high bell tower.

While I got to work, while I finished my shift, I got busy and forgot about the strange incident. But late in the evening I remembered everything and it became so creepy that I could almost scream. Thoughts about evil spirits came into my head, as if ordered. Episodes from horror films that impressed me are right there. By three o'clock in the morning almost all the novels of the great Stephen King came to mind. In short, until five in the morning I sat at the computer, prudently squeezing the cat in my hands. I read somewhere that cats react to supernatural phenomena, see negative entities and stuff like that. But the night passed surprisingly quietly. No one outside or otherworldly bothered me.

This went on for a week. In the morning and afternoon test-antibiotic.com the sounds are incomprehensible, as it gets dark - so deathly silence. Already in despair, I complained to my best friend Nastya, and in response she widened her eyes and quite seriously declared:

- Tanyukha, the brownie is preventing you from living. You probably offended him in some way. Place a saucer of milk in the corner of the bedroom. And put in some tasty treats. Let him stand, after a while we’ll see if he can calm down.

- Some kind of wrong brownie. According to all the laws of the genre, you are supposed to be scared at night. But he only sniffles in the morning and during the day.

— Maybe he’s a “morning person”?

- Come on, what nonsense! - I waved it off.

But this was only one version of what was happening. In the evening, while working out on my exercise machine for home weight loss, I began to think that my roof was probably going slowly. And before she leaves completely, you need to run to specialists in white coats. I reassured myself that no one had ever died from auditory hallucinations, that they would prescribe me magic pills, and I would take them for six months... Or how many of them do they take? After all, I am an adequate person, I don’t rush at others, I don’t start dialogues with God test-antibiotic.com and the devil, I don’t even walk around the city in a saucepan. They will help, in the end, people like me come to them in the hundreds.

The terrible secret of sniffles and hisses was revealed to me on my day off. Having woken up quite late (the night spent in the club made itself felt), I lay under the covers, listening to the already familiar, indistinct sounds. She looked with irritation at the cat, sleeping at her feet. Here they get the essences, but they don’t give a damn! And then somewhere nearby there was a clear drumbeat, like a drumbeat, and just a moment later the same wheezing sigh that had haunted me all week scattered across the room. I leaned almost waist-deep out of the open window: a woodpecker was sitting on a spruce tree near the neighboring house, enthusiastically pecking at the trunk of an innocent tree. This means that when this feathered abomination sat somewhere far enough from my house and minded its business, only an echo reached me, which seemed to me to be moans, wheezing and sighs.

To say that I started swearing is an understatement. I almost didn’t go to the psychiatric hospital test-antibiotic.com because of this bastard, I was ready to believe in brownies! Taking a breath from realizing the cause of all the evils, I took the phone from the bedside table and dialed my friend Nastya:

- What did you say there? Lark? Well, I almost guessed it...

Believe it or not, this true story happened to me. It’s just that most supernatural phenomena in our lives often have very simple explanations, and to put it even simpler, fear has big eyes. The only thing is that I somehow don’t like woodpeckers anymore.