A funny story about barbecue

A funny story about barbecue
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

This story is not about fictional “heroes”, it took place in the late 70s of the last century.

In one of the restaurants in Rostov-on-Don, “two solitudes” met purely by chance - the now living (and therefore let’s call him Sanych) enterprising organizer of chord work (in common parlance “covens”) and the no less “enterprising” chairman of a sheep farm from the Northern “brotherly” Caucasus.

First it was: “What fate brought you to Papa-Rostov?”, and after the second bottle of cognac: “Well, then we are at your service!” We agreed that Sanych would bring a team of “cool specialists specializing in the construction of covered sheds”! We agreed on the timing and price for the work, and a week later, Sanych’s shabashniks ate chacha to commemorate the start of work.

To my credit, the guys did the job quickly and with decent quality. And now, the hour of reckoning has come, in the good sense of the word, but with an unpleasant surprise on the part of the chairman: he presented unfounded claims and “squeezed” two hundred rubles (which at that time was not at all little!). Sanych, realizing that it was not possible to achieve justice, and to be honest, it was a dangerous undertaking, chose not to aggravate the situation. Having wished test-antibiotic.com “good luck” and having loaded the instrument and some tricky gear, the men went to Father Quiet Don. In the mountains, as you know, it gets dark much faster than on the plain, so the driver had to turn on the headlights so as not to dive off the mountain road.

The men were, to put it mildly, not in a good mood, and what they wished for the chairman was beyond the understanding of any normal person. And then the driver stopped to let an impressive flock of sheep walk around the bus, being driven by shepherds to another, apparently, pasture. And then a brilliant thought came to Sanych’s head: “Darkness, mountains, a flock of sheep, shepherds - the devil knows where! Who will notice how we steal one or two sheep to compensate for the financial loss? Let’s leave this area to the plain, kill a lamb and have a barbecue!” The idea received universal support from the entire crew, including the bus driver! We decided to turn off the lights in the cabin, open the back door and...

The twin brothers contracted for the expropriation.

“Don’t just grab the first thing that comes your way,” Sanych instructed the “hunters,” “but, choose the biggest one!”

Peering at the flock of sheep floating around the bus, without having the vision of an owl test-antibiotic.com, the brothers chose the largest of them. God did not offend the brothers by force, and in six seconds, with the command to the driver: “close it!”, the “victim of the future slaughter” found itself on the back platform of the bus. And then something not entirely obvious and completely incredible happened, going against the teachings of Darwin: the entire team, at the same time, saw impressive fangs that clearly did not belong to animals from the order of herbivores and a uterine “woof” that did not correspond to the natural bleating of sheep!

The driver was the first to react, completely forgetting about the “passengers”, he jumped out the window, without opening not only the bus door, but also his own, the driver’s door! But the men didn’t even need to open the doors, fleeing from the teeth of a stunned Caucasian Shepherd (blindly mistaken for a sheep, which, to their sin, had a color like that of rams), the coven-goers broke down the door with their bodies in the opposite direction! Having no climbing equipment, the men discovered their talent for rock climbing - rowing with their hands in such a way that even a clumsy bear would envy them!

We didn’t sit in the rocks for long, three hours, maximum four, until the mountain echo hid the distant bleating of a sheep lagging behind the flock! Then, of course, they got down! test-antibiotic.com With no little difficulty, we managed to overcome the descent (although we climbed much more quickly). All the way, until they crossed the border of the Krasnodar Territory, the men drove in silence, occasionally casting an appraising glance at their neighbor: “And where does he get so much agility? I would never have thought that you could climb a rock at such speed! And, after all, no one helped anyone!” And, gloomy Sanych, looking at his torn nails and occasionally rubbing his bruised shoulder, chuckled and whispered: “We ate the meat!”