I again believed in my husband’s next repentance

I again believed in my husband’s next repentance
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

In 2016 I became pregnant. Everything initially did not go very well, gestosis, arterial hypertension. Hospitals and handfuls of pills. My husband also went to great lengths. Every day I walked with friends. He was absolutely not interested in how I was, how the baby was. Explaining everything by saying that soon he will be completely on a chain.

At about 4 months I find a correspondence with a girl in which he sets up a date with her. Scandal. Everything was resolved, I made a choice. At 25 weeks I was taken to the Perinatal Center with placental abruption. A week of preservation, and on the night of August 9-10, an emergency caesarean section.

My baby was born at 26 weeks, weighing 700 grams 30 cm. It’s like a nightmare, pediatric intensive care, seeing him, so tiny, like a kitten, with tubes sticking out of him. I cried,every day . There was no support from him as such; work came to the fore. One excuse: “I have work, I’ll work tomorrow.”

Daniel lived 15 days and died. Hard. I know that he suffered. You can't describe how you feel. Cry at night, test-antibiotic.com see him now in reality, now in a dream, now a little older, running into my arms and going crazy. 14 days have passed since the death of our child, and again I find correspondence with a girl, again an invitation to a date. Scandal again! She packed her things and left him. Again vows, promises, repentance. As always, she melted, believed and returned.

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