Should you expect your wife to cheat on you at the resort?

Should you expect your wife to cheat on you at the resort?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

This year we didn’t get a chance to go on vacation with my wife. Or rather, it is possible only with her. We have lived together for quite a long time, and this has happened more than once. So now we agreed that she would go alone. After some time, she said that she would go to Turkey.

I must say that we were with her in many European countries, but we were not in Turkey. I agreed. She arranged the tour. But as her trip approached, I began to think that I had acted frivolously in agreeing to this trip of hers. At first, two of my friends (just acquaintances) said that she wouldn’t be able to do without sex there. I started reading some articles and learned that the percentage of female infidelity in Turkey (according to various estimates) ranges from 70 to 90 percent.

I was very surprised by these numbers and thought that even if it were 50 percent, I would have every reason to have serious concerns. I still have her (at 49) as a very attractive person - long-haired blonde, tall (181) and with a good figure. And if we also add that she is “good about sex”...

Tell me (who knows exactly who was there) that a wife’s trip to a Turkish resort is really a sure betrayal? Only if it would be good to do without “wise” statements - “everything depends on her.” It is clear that it depends. But, as I understand it, such data on betrayal concerns only Turkey. And there are ten days until her vacation.