My sad relationship with Dima

My sad relationship with Dima
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My name is Alexandra, I'm 17 years old. I will try to briefly tell a story from my life.

This Dima and I studied together from the first grade, and from the 5th grade we became best friends. Then he confessed his love to me, but it was childishly stupid - at such and such an age. But he almost came to visit meevery day (our parents were not against it), we corresponded for 3 years. At one point I realized that I needed to move on andforget about our childhood enthusiasm, which gradually faded away. I initiated Dima and I’s breakup, but we still remained best friends.

In the 10th grade, I started dating his best friend, who also studied at the same school with us. This hobby of mine lasted 8 months. And even at this time, Dima was with me, comforting me, being close to me, helping me cope with difficulties.

Then this onethe guy left me, although I really loved him. This bright feeling visited me for the first time; I was in terribly pain because of our separation. At this time, Dimka was constantly nearby, trying to find out the reasons, to console, but it was all useless.

A year has passed, I was able to get over this breakup. Our mutual friends began to say what a wonderful couple Dima and I are, how he suits me, etc. I just laughed at it because we were likebrother andsister .

A few months later, completely unexpectedly for me, he again confesses his love to me. He wrote that he still loves me, that he will always be there, will never leave me and just wants me to know it. I politely explained to him that we were just friends.

Time passes and he diesfather . It was a blow to all of us. I immediately try to help him with something, with money, support, and friendly participation. It was very difficult for him, but I was always there, because... I thought it was my duty as a friend. About DiminoWe unanimously and pointedly forgot the declaration of love.

A little later from our commongirlfriend , I find out that he still really wants to be with me, but is afraid that I will refuse again. And I began to notice that he was very worried when he was next to me, he began to come to my house more often, giving me my favorite candies. It was very obvious that he was in love with me. I found myself at a dead end, I had to choose. Since I didn't want to lose him and be alone, I decided to give us another chance and we started dating.

This month was the happiest, he forgot about all the problems with me. And he said that when he returns from the army, he will propose to me. I said that I would definitely wait for him. We have planned everythinglife , we even agreed on what we would name our child. It was so great! I couldn’t help but believe him - this is him, the man who has been around for 5 years, my best friend. I was sure that everything would be like this.

Everything was fine, he came every day, we walked, laughed, dreamed, etc. And then he didn’t come for 3 days, he said that he had a lot of things to do at home. But I quickly realized that something was wrong here. And in the evening he wrote to me that he wants to remain in the army under a contract, that he is no longer attracted to me, and that we need to remain friends.

I was shocked. I still can't believe how this is possible. A few days ago there were vows and promises that everything would be with us forever, but here it is...

I said I need time. We didn't argue, we just talked calmly. Dima said that he himself did not know how this happened, asked for my forgiveness and was worried that I was crying. It’s stupid, of course, I’m crying...

4 days have passed, but nothing has changed. It still hurts me a lot, memories, tears, I can’t get used to the idea that he won’t be with me anymore.

Help me, please, how to behave now with him? What should I do?

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