Now I know what a real man should be like

Now I know what a real man should be like
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I once loved my ex-boyfriend very much. I doted on him. It was so painful and offensive to part. Whenever I remember, it still hurts to remember, it hurts in my chest. Yes, he's good-looking. I think that he remembers me, just as I remember him. Sometimes I directly feel it, I can’t even explain how. My most vulnerable and short-lived, alas,relationships that are painful to remember. And you know, I forgave him and sincerely wished him happiness.

Very little time has passed since our relationship when I find out that he got married. You know, I’m not at all happy for him. I always think that he would be much better off with me. But time passed after his wedding, and I met a good man, very decent. I know that the exThe guy is no match for him. I know that he is much better than him in terms of decency. Yes, we all love with our eyes. Each of us wants to see a beautiful person, without a single speck in appearance. The most stupid thing that happened was that I forgave his dishonestyattitude towards herself and turned a blind eye to many things. It was like thatLove . But now I understand what the difference is between the behavior of these two men. I'm not going to judge anyone in this situation. May everything be fine with him.

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