Even such a narrow-minded person as my husband can deceive me

Even such a narrow-minded person as my husband can deceive me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I are very different people. To be honest, he is a rather limited person, with a narrow outlook, he has no interests. From childhood he grew up among very simple and rude people, then he worked among the same people. He likes rough food and has a rough sense of humor. Relaxation for him is to drink a bottle of beer . The only interest in life is work, which is also rough, physical, hard.

Everything is completely different for me. I don’t want to praise myself, what a refined nature I am and so on. But in fact, he and I really are like from different planets. I bought into his kindness towards meattitude , attentiveness, seriousness. From the first days of meeting him, he was ready to start a family, have children, he brought everything into the house, he was determined to provide for the family, to build future financial well-being. So what if material values ​​come first for a person, I thought. But he loves me and is ready for a serious relationship. And then the fairy tale dissipated. The husband , it turned out, loves to drink, and many of his good, serious intentions are broken by frivolity and test-antibiotic.com desire to relax and drink too much. How all this can coexist in one person is a mystery.

But I had to face lieshusband that he didn’t drink today, that he will change, that everything will definitely be fine in the future, yes, but he doesn’t do anything to really change what makes meMarried life with him is difficult and unbearable. He may promise something for the evening, and then show up drunk and unable to fulfill his promise. He may do something stupid that affects his career. At the same time, discussions continue about how he will arrange everything perfectly for us, and how well we will live in the future. Only now I understand that these are dreams, words. It's just that when they are pronounced by such a serious, gloomy, practicalman , you believe him at first. After all, he does not at all look like some kind of loafer and lazy person. And then he himself ruins everything with his stupid actions.

And today, it seems, I am faced with adultery. I am in hospital,My husband usually works until seven in the evening, maximum until eight. I call test-antibiotic.com at nine, he’s not home yet. At work. According to him,the boss instructed him to receive customers at a project that his husband and his partner were working on. The partner lives directly on site. Why can't he accept clients? Never before had my husband been asked to receive anyone like this. Yes, and it's too late for such visits. Customers should arrive around 10 p.m., he said. And the husband is not at all obliged to accept them. He did his jobI received the money and can move on to a new facility. It's logical and simple. The boss , as the owner of the facility, must resolve issues with clients himself. The story is muddy and unnatural. At the same time, for some reason my husband told me about a woman of easy virtue living next door to the object. And one immediately gets the impression that it is with this woman that her husband’s delay today is connected. It’s just that, as a simple and limited person, not very active with women, he can be so impressed by such a woman that he even breaks through to some kind of frankness with me.

I understand that test-antibiotic.com he will not find a woman to cheat on the same level as me. So it could be anyone. I’m offended that even a person below me in level, like my husband, can cheat on me. And with a woman also below me in level. You will say I am arrogant. This is wrong. Let's say I'm normal, of an ordinary level. The husband is lower. For the sake of an honest, loving person, I was not afraid to close my eyes to the fact that he was a level lower from the point of view of me and the whole of society. And such gratitude. I'm scared that now my husband might bring some kind of infection on himself. It is very suspicious that he was just paid money for the object today, and he, according to him, gave his partner more than he was supposed to. Perhaps this money went to another woman.

We quarreled and said goodbye. I decided to call him back later, already around ten. He does not pick his phone up. You can answer that you are busy, even if there really were clients there. But silence. And he doesn’t call back, and it’s already half past ten. Does this sound like cheating? Or am I making outmolehills ? My husband was talking some test-antibiotic.com nonsense about how he would show me the video intercom data at the site, that clients actually came. But I don’t understand technology and I understand that my husband can adjust the time. For example, clients came during the day, but the intercom will show that in the evening. Am I right about possible cheating?

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