Stopped communicating with my sister

Stopped communicating with my sister
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have already written about my parents’ attitude towards me, and now I want to talk about a quarrel with my sister. This happened gradually and started after mymy sister met a guy. Neither I nor my parents liked him right away. He didn’t do anything, didn’t help, he just kept showing off his connections, and that everything was so cool with him, that he had a lot of friends who would all help him.

The first bell rang after I came home from work on Friday and heard him calling and inviting his friends to our private house. Then we lived with my sister, her husband and my parents. My parents weren't home at the time. He said on the phone, inviting friends to a barbecue: “Come to my cottage!” He’s basically a stranger and hasn’t nailed a single board. I immediately realized that when I saw a large house in the suburbs of the capital, he was aiming for something. The second episode was that he never intended to help with anything, either in the garden or around the house, but simply came to spend the night after work, and on the weekend he did only his own business. At the same time, he demanded that he personally be given a separate closet for his respectable suits.

Next my sister came outmarried him, and tears began until divorce. Demands began from the younghusband to give him money to buy a brand new apartment for a young family, then his parents began demanding to sell something, but give it to the children to buy a new apartment. My parents were very surprised by such conversations and were not going to give him anything. A person is used to only demanding, taking, that the state helps, since he himself comes from the Chernobyl zone. He raised the bar so much, suddenly found money somewhere (most likely his parents gave it) and bought a brand new three-room apartment for $100,000 (market price).

After that, my sister became exactly the same as him. She became greedy, cunning, always complaining that it was so hard for her with two children, but she gave birth to a third. They are calculating everything so that the state will help them with a loan,father with a carbrother (me) with car repairs, and we all go to tourist rallies, birthdays, water parks, circuses with children, and all this is not cheap.

I analyzed all this, and some things confirmed my conclusions. They complain everything that it's so hard for them to giveloan for an apartment, my parents pay the lastmoney to help them, and they go to Spain (about $1000 per person) with the whole family, then a year later they buy a new car. Moreover, they also demanded that I pay them $250 a month for accommodation. A year after going on vacation to Spain, they buy a brand new car (I don’t know the credit or 100%) and they try not to show it to me, they didn’t even tell me that they bought the car, only my father told me a week later. Constantly in new clothes, everything is cool in their apartment, the best.

But the climax was the one that just killed me from the inside, when she simply stopped calling me, her brother, to congratulate me on the New Year, or just communicate in general, and after 9 months I found out that they had a baby.child . They explained this by saying that I wouldn’t envy their happiness, so they didn’t say anything. It was very disappointing, but I got over it. Now I don’t want to communicate with them, with these majors, who took off very sharply and stopped communicating with us, for them we are poor people with a wife, who wander around rented apartments with a child and have achieved nothing. She once told me straight to my face at a table at the dacha that my wife and I had achieved nothing, we had nothing of our own, that we didn’t understand anything in life!

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