I don't see a chance to change my life

I don't see a chance to change my life
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm 28 years old and I'm single, nomarried , no children, living with my parents. I had several long-term relationships and several novels, but I never met the one I wanted among themmarried ​And those who really liked me didn’t even pay attention. Until I was 25, I didn’t panic, I was a very cheerful, sociable, kind, cheerful girl. I worked, studied, led a very active lifestyle, had a lot of friends and communication. At 25, having received a diploma and leaving the university, it was like a blow to the head - “Inot married , doesn’t even have a boyfriend.” And that's it, mine has begundepression . My mood became constantly bad.

For the next 2 years I tried to be cheerful, communicate with someone, go somewhere, work, smile. But nothing went well, because all my behavior is essentially self-deception, being cheerful and pretending that I’m supposedly cheerful and happy with life are two different things, I constantly feel inferior, I’m ashamed that I’m not married, what’s there to be happy about, how Is it possible to be cheerful, happy, contented in this state of affairs?

I no longer wanted to test-antibiotic.com pursue a career, work, sports, everything that I used to love so much, simply because all this has already moved to the 2-3-10 plan, I no longer need a career, but to babysit my kids . Plus, I’m constantly in a depressed mood, melancholy, sadness, anger and, worst of all, hopelessness. In this state I won’t find anyone, and the state also has nothing to change. The circle is closed. And I already went to psychotherapists, all to no avail. As a result, now I just sit at home all day, I don’t want to see anyone, I can’t communicate with people, I can’t laugh and I want to die because... I don't see a way out of this impasse. I would have given up alreadyloneliness and would have tried to just live for myself, but against the background of this stress I went crazy - I stopped understanding why people laugh, where it’s funny, and where it’s just fun - now I constantly think only about this. I read all kinds of literature, but I can’t communicate with anyone, because... there will be laughter, and I will immediately painfully begin to think about what is funny or cheerful. A complete dead end. Maybe test-antibiotic.com will give you some good advice, although I have little faith.

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