The husband does not want to work and says that money is evil

The husband does not want to work and says that money is evil
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I decided todivorce . This thought did not come to me spontaneously; it has been simmering in my soul for a long time. I'll start with the fact that I'm young, I'm 24 years old and thismarriage is not my last swan song. And as long as I'm 24 years old, I can get a divorce. We have nothing in common except the marriage certificate and the stamp in his passport. There is no stamp in my passport because I am a foreigner, buthusband is a citizen of Russia. I'm just tired. We don’t live together, I live in my country, and he in his. I just go to him for 3 months and return to my homeland, because according to my documents I cannot stay in Russia for more than 90 days.

The fact is that my husband doesn’t want anything in this life. He always repeats thatmoney is evil, it’s dust and you can’t hoard it, you have to live one day at a time. Therefore, at the moment, at 27 years old, he has nothing, not even a job. He was hired for an official job, where they turned a blind eye to, he had four, as it turned out, criminal records, and they even provided him with housing with a very good salary; he does not have his own housing. But he was soon kicked out of his job. I thought that it would be possible to take out a mortgage now, but that’s later, of course, as soon as we get my documents done, I’ll get a job, and the two of us will manage it. I have two correct educations and I know that I can get a good job, but then it turns out that he has a bad credit history and a lot of debts that he has not paid off.

I can understand that. I say let’s get my documents done, I’ll get a job, we’ll live in a rented apartment and we’ll get a mortgage for me, but no. My husband is happy with the fact that we live together for three months. He said that this is his insurance, that I won’t leave him, otherwise, you see, he’ll suddenly give me this Russian citizenship, which I basically don’t need, without it I live well in my country. He’s afraid that I’ll leave him and it will turn out that I took advantage of him. That is, do something so that at least we can begin to live likefamily together, he doesn’t want to, especially since he thinks that money is evil and he’s not going to save for anything. I say what happens, at this rate he agrees to live on the street? And he says that if I love him, I should live with him even in the trash, becauselove is above all. What about primary needs? Eating, for example, and even washing? To which he replies that I am materialistic and greedy, that money comes first for me, but love should come first. And he also says: “It doesn’t matter whether we are together physically or not, the main thing is together in soul, so my dear, you can live in your own country and I can live in mine, but we are together.”

Can someone tell me which of us is wrong? Maybe I don't understand something? Maybe family means living in different countries and meeting once a year for the holidays? Moreover, the young family is not yet a year since we got married and before that I didn’t notice anything about it. Emotions just washed over us, and I walked out deliriouslyI got married because I fell in love with the fact that he is very kind, but I didn’t think that he was kind to all his friends, to whom he could simply give money. Somehow he lost all the salary that we were supposed to pay when I was in Russia, and he rented an apartment. Fortunately, I had money with me, and I paid for this apartment.

In general, now he doesn’t work, but drinks with friends, because he’s sad that he messed up again and got fired, he’s not looking for a job, he says: “I’m lying on the couch and thinking about where to move next, what to do and where to go.” go". I collect vacancies and post them on the Internet, telling them to call my old job, maybe they’ll hire me there. To which he replies: “I don’t want to yet, I don’t know anything, I think, I’ll think about it myself.” Excuses and thousands of reasons begin again. For all the time that we have been together, he has only broughtproblems and headachespain in mylife , because I believed that we were a family and worried about everything. To all my questions about the future, and always, no matter what I ask, he answers - “I don’t know,” “maybe,” “we’ll see,” “I’m not sure,” “I’ll think about it.”

In our family relationships there has never been any stability, no specificity, nothing but uncertainty. During all this time he didn’t even give me a small flower. He says that he is not a romantic, does not know how to give gifts and speak beautiful words. But this is not even a tenth of what happened during the entire period of our time together. So tell me, is it worth saving something?

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