Mother doesn't want to communicate normally

Mother doesn't want to communicate normally
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 31 years old. Imarried and I have an eight year olddaughter . I have complex onesrelationship with my mother, who is constantly offended by me and constantly demands financial help.

At the age of 19 I leftmarried ​My parents did not have a stable income, my father was a musician,Mom is a realtor. Moreover, they had a removablean apartment that they could not pay for. My husband and I took out loans for them several times, which they never really repaid. I believed that I had an obligation to help, because I am the only daughter. But as I grew older, I realized that myhelp goes nowhere. They began to work less and less and drank periodically.

Later, at the age of 27, it dawned on me that my parents were adults and capable people, capable of taking care of themselves and that help should be given in abundance, and not incredit . But at that turning point, dad died. He was 52 years old. Mom was 45 then. Since she did not have her own home, she moved in with my husband and me. I’ll skip the everyday troubles, but overall we somehow existed for about four years on mutually beneficial terms. Mom lived with us, and I could work, since she looked after my daughter in her free time. She and I worked 2x2. But soon the atmosphere began to heat up, and my mother was offered a five-day job with a salary several times higher. Without thinking twice, I let her go, and I quit myself, becauseThe child, a first-grader, demanded attention; besides, they have had a second shift since the second grade, and the daughter is not ready to get ready and go to school on her own.

Then my mother hada man and she moved in with him. But since my mother is arrogant, she periodically argued with the man, and she returned to us. And in March, after another quarrel with a friend, she rented an apartment. I could afford it, my job was stable before the coronavirus. Since she works in a hotel, and the hotel is closed, there is no salary and there will not be one. And then she asks me to take out a loan to pay for the apartment and other payments on two other loans, which again I took out for her teeth and for the TV when she moved out. Her credit history is ruined. To which I refused her. Firstly, I don’t work, and my husband and I also have loans and we won’t be able to afford a new one if she can’t pay herself. I suggested that she move in with me until everything settles down, why accumulate debts. But my mother attacked me with further insults, reproaches and manipulations, that no one needed her, that I was callous, that I was obliged to help. Moreover, he even applies his manipulations to his granddaughter, writes to her that no one needs her and will go to live in another city,My daughter is starting to worry, but I already know all her tricks. And then my mother caught a cold. She pestered me for two days, and on the third day I did not answer her, fearing another scandal. As a result, I received an angry SMS in the evening saying that I was a bad daughter and did not take care of my mother.

How to communicate here? I don’t understand why you can’t communicate without offense? After all, I didn’t leave her, I offered my home to wait out the crisis. And if she talked to me normally, we would communicate more often. She constantly says that no one needs her. But, perhaps, I really began to treat her coolly, because she constantly offends me, constantly reprimands me. Oh, you can’t tell everything.

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