My creepy mother-in-law

My creepy mother-in-law
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I can’t calm down, I wanted to keep everything to myself, but it’s not working, so I have to share my story.

I met my boyfriend on the Internet and we lived in different cities. He is very good, kind, handsome, . We corresponded for a long time and he came to my parents. At that time I was studying at school, I was 17 years old, he was 25. Six months later we got engaged. That's when I met his parents and at first they seemed very nice to me...

A couple of months later, my boyfriend and I went to see his parents. It was scary, hismy mother was always picking on me. I got off the train at night, came home, and in the morning she gave me a broom and said: now you are the mistress of this house, do everything yourself. I cleaned the whole house, washed their clothes, ironed, cooked. I gave her massages, besides that I think that I look after my man too well, I literally run after him like a child.

It all started with that we went to meet his friends and I dressed the way I like. My man also likes the way I dress. As soon as I left my room, my mother-in-law, seeing me, almost fainted. She changed me from trousers into a dress and made me put on heels, but that was not the worst thing. She was constantly telling me what to do, how to do it, what to wear.

I even regretted getting involved in all this a little. She constantly praises her son, extols him as a god (I'm not saying anything, my man is the best, but it's infuriating!), she constantly says "my son, my son." I want to say: Mom, wake up, your son is 25 years old!

One time she started to flatter me, as if we would become friends. She started asking if we were sleeping together, to which I replied: "No, of course not" (I hasten to note that I am a girl from an eastern family).

One evening, sitting at the table, she started talking about my boyfriend's previous fiancées - supposedly he was an enviable bachelor. Then she looked at me and said that one he had was very beautiful, even more beautiful than you. "I told him: take me as a wife, but he didn't, he didn't want to take anyone. I just don't understand why he takes you as a wife."

I don't like to praise myself, I will speak about myself in the words of other people. At school I was always in authority, the teachers loved and respected me, and even after finishing school they wrote out a school letter of gratitude to my parents fordaughter . I participated in all the cultural events, and the whole city knew me, I studied well. Now I continue to study at the university and at the same time to be a hairdresser-stylist.

But my mother-in-law constantly humiliated me in front of her family. I even went into another room and silently cried there, because I was convinced that if I told my future husband that she was offending me, he would answer me: “Are you crazy? My mother is a saint, she couldn’t do or say such a thing. Throw all this out of your head, she loves you very much. Just make peace with her and be friends.”

Dear readers, my wedding will be in a few months via And I will live with my mother-in-law, because he is the only oneson in the family. What should I do? I won't be able to live with her.

My mother is completely shocked by her, the only thing she said was - be patient. What else can you do? You'll get used to it and fall in love.

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