The guy wanted to leave me, but his friend convinced him

The guy wanted to leave me, but his friend convinced him
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I've been dating a guy for over a year now. I love him madly. Mostly everything is always in order with us, but sometimes it happens that he cools off towards me for a few days. This happened twice.

I know for sure that he loved me before, but now I doubt his feelings. I don't know if he still loves me. He once said that he loved me because I was the only one who understood him and accepted his terrible character. He's really not one of the best. He is Scorpio.

But now he has begun to distance himself, and recently he even said that I was selfish and an abuser. Although I always think about his feelings first, I never do anything that he wouldn’t like. He had many girls before me, but he dated them for a maximum of two months (I don’t know for sure, he told me so).

Why am I writing all this? I just wanted to hear some advice. I don't even know what to think. I'm tired of crying all the time. It seems to me that he has another one, Because this has already happened, but he didn’t sleep with anyone and didn’t even kiss. He liked onegirl , and he wanted to leave me for her, but his friend convinced him. He didn’t communicate with me for a week, one might say. By the way, he told me about this himself. I almost left him then, but he managed to stop me, saying that he loved me. Perhaps I am naive and gullible, but I believed him and still believe him. Although maybe I just don’t want to believe otherwise.

It really hurt me when he said that he didn’t believe that I was faithful to him. He said that everyone has such sins, and that he 100% kissed someone during our relationship. Although I didn’t even give any reason for such thoughts. I don't even have friends. I always only spent time with him.

Can you please tell me what to do. And what is your opinion on all this?

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