My hysterical character

My hysterical character
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm 15 years old and quite attractive.young woman . I have been depressed for several months now. Nothing bad happened, but I can’t get out of it. I am depressed by the thought that I could not achieve what I wanted and did not reach my goal in my studies. I promised myself to achieve a certain result, but nothing came of it.

I haveguy , we've been dating for six months, he means a lot to me. We are both quick-tempered, but we look for compromises and try not to quarrel. He is the only person close to me, only with him I can share secrets and experiences. But it’s easier for him to go have fun with friends than to support me when it’s not easy for me, when I failed or quarreled with my mother. I can't help but notice himindifference and this is the worst thing.

The problem is that I constantly fall into hysterics. For no particular reason. I realize that nothing terrible is happening, but I often get the feeling thatlife is over. Every evening I cry, hit myself on the cheeks, sit on the windowsill and scroll in my mind everything that happened, trying to find a way out. After quarrels with a guy, the person dearest to me, I feel even worse: I don’t sleep half the night, I stress myself out, I imagine how he will leave me...

Today there was a minorquarrel , and I feel that this time he will not forgive me. That he doesn't need me anymore. I can't imagine life without my beloved. I blame myself for these quarrels, I feel like the worst girl and a useless person. I understand that I am unworthy of him, but I can’t help myself, much less break ourrelationship first.

This nightmare will never end. I’m only 15 years old, but I feel like I’m already a pensioner. I suspect that no one really needs me, I can’t do anything and I won’t achieve anything in my life. I understand that this is a transitional age and my hysterical character, but will all this really go away with age? Hardly.

This is what I gotconfession ​Please tell me how to cope with myself and start living normally?

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