Why are people so cruel to each other?

Why are people so cruel to each other?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Ithe guy is open, a little extraordinary, I behave like a fool, because that’s how I am, I can’t be serious.

But then I went to college and I pretend to be serious, becauseThe team is serious. That is, they don’t watch anime and consider anime fans to be frivolous, plus my behavior, especially during correspondence, shows this.

I don't have that masculine core. I easily forget insults, but they tell me that I need to fight back. And yes, I'm a bit of a coward and suspicious. Although no one has a bad opinion of me, as far as I know, they are only assessing my adequacy. Despite all this, I study well. And then one guy accidentally read my correspondence, and there was a lot, a lot of stuff that was inappropriate and strange. He was really taken aback because he thought I was serious. He is one of the leaders in the class. Called me names.

Now I think college will not be sweet for me. What should I do? It is not possible to make friends here, since I am like a black sheep by nature and this manifests itself very strongly and people test-antibiotic.com flake away from me. Therefore, I simply remain silent so as not to reveal my difference from everyone else. If I had a friend, I wouldn't be so scared. I also got into trouble once when I showed a girl friendly attention, and her boyfriend almost killed me, although I didn’t have any bad thoughts, I’m just friendly and always like that. A lot of people think I'm weird, and some guys just get mad. Several times they called me with threats to stop behaving so strangely and be like everyone else, otherwise they would beat me.

What to do? I'm on the verge of leaving college. Yes, I'm a coward, I admit it. And yes, I myself don’t like my spontaneous and slightly infantile behavior and naivety. But I can't do anything about it. I'm experiencingfear almost every day . I know that if anything happens I’ll go to the police, but I’m scared not so much for the beatings, but rather for the psychological pressure. It also really embarrasses me to shake hands. I just want to go into the classroom, quietly sit on the last desk and that’s it, but I have to say hello, otherwise it’s not like a man. I had an idea test-antibiotic.com to bandage my hand, like I can’t say hello, but they don’t say hello with my left hand.

I'm scared and want to die. Everyone in the group seems to be friendly, but they don’t recognize me yet. When they find out in any group, they sit on my neck, call me names, become impudent, but I don’t have the anger to respond somehow. I don’t feel hatred, I just don’t care what they say and I even feel sorry for them. I know I'm broken and not prepared for this life at all. Apparently, I'm just a weak link who is not destined to get married, have children, etc., and I don't want my children to inherit my genes. Just now someone called me - it’s scary. I didn't pick up the phone. For some reason, if people see that a person is afraid, then this drives them into excitement, and they finish off and cannot stop.

I don’t know how to hide from the world if I’m not psychologically prepared for it, and I don’t know what to do. I don't want to ruin minelife , leaving college, but it’s also scary to attend it, because there are only predatory and arrogant glances around, looking for test-antibiotic.com a weak link on which to assert oneself. And I don’t want to cause anything bad to anyone at all. I want everyone to live in peace and harmony, but they laugh at me. I’m 22. I’m very open and there’s nothing I can do about it. They tell me I need to be more closed, but the truth just flows out, the emotions just flow out. I trust everyone, I know that this is wrong, but I love people and I cannot determine who is bad and who is good (unless it is obvious, such as an evil look or an impudent smile).

Scary, terrible! I turned off my phone, I don’t know how I’ll go to college tomorrow. Even teachers are predators. No kindness. Everyone asserts itself and looks for weakness, and when they find it, they sit on the neck. Serious people don’t understand me and think I’m strange. And I haven’t met any extraordinary people who could understand me. Often my innocent words and suggestions are received with hostility and very inadequately. For example, atthe girls had a headache, I offered to massage her, she bulged, her eyes said that everyone would misunderstand, but I just wanted to provide a friendly service because... I read test-antibiotic.com about massage and I know where to apply pressure. I realized that ifA girl and a guy are better off not talking to her at all, but why? I do not understand this. There's a lot I don't understand.

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