Just friend

Just friend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

IMarried ,wonderful husband , sweetie is growing updaughter . My husband loves me, I feel and see it. He often goes on business trips, I miss him at home. But that's not what I wanted to talk about.

My husband and I have been married for a little over 4 years; we dated before that. At that time, when we just started dating, I accidentally met a young man. Is ourcommunication began on common topics and supporting each other in certain situations. This man was very close to my soul, I could talk with him all day long, laugh a lot, tell him things that even my husband doesn’t know now. With him I felt free, not constrained. It was like he was a piece of my soul.

We just talked as friends, he knew what I hadboy . I told him about joint plans with my future husband. But, as everyone knows,friendship between a man and a woman is rare.

Over time, I began to notice that he called me differently, wrote me differently. On Skype, when communicating with test-antibiotic.com, his eyes began to look differently, and embarrassment appeared. He just looked at me for a long time and didn’t say anything when I was just talking like a magpie about everything.

The closer everything came to my moving to my future husband, the more sad he became. He didn’t communicate with me for weeks, didn’t respond to SMS. Although this has not happened before. He texted me, even when there was no Internet, wishing me sweet dreams. He explained his behavior by saying that he could not calmly observe this. Which is trying to wean me off.

During the entire time of communication (which was a year and a half), I knew everything about him, and he knew everything about me. We waited for the evening to log on to Skype and chat half the night about just nothing.

But in reality they never met.

I remember his smile, his 3-day stubble and all his words to me. I remember his look. I know all his gestures and emotions.

Almost 5 years have passed, but I often remember him. I go to his page. I look at just one photo of him, test-antibiotic.com. And out.

Why I think about him periodically, I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I don’t have and never had such a spiritual connection with my husband. Maybe I don't get enough attentionmy husband or he annoys me with his claims. I do not know.

And also, I don’t cheat on my husband and never have. He's my firsta man , in terms of intimacy. Do I love him? I can't answer this definitivelyquestion even to yourself. Yes, I worry about him, worry and fear. I care about him. I miss him at home when he is on a business trip for six months.

But why can't Ijust forget a friend, I don’t know. And this worries me.

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