Should you reconcile with your ex-girlfriend?

Should you reconcile with your ex-girlfriend?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Several years ago I stopped communicating with some of my friends. There were several reasons for this - a difference in worldview and a difference in financial situation.

I felt bad thatfriends do not respect those who are poorer than them. Does not have a job that is prestigious in their understanding. It was unpleasant for me that my friends were trying to go outmarry not for love, but for convenience, so that their husbands will be rich.

At some point, my friends’ contempt for poorer people also affected me. In their opinion, I got married unsuccessfully. This became the decisive factor for breaking up with my friends. I have not forgiven myself for being ridiculed almost to my face.

Frankly, after the end of this friendship I breathed a sigh of relief. I no longer had to spend incredible amounts of money on trips to expensive restaurants and on expensive gifts for friends on holidays.

I thought I did the right thing. That it is better for me to be friends with those who have the same material level as me, and who look at the world the same way as I do.

Several years passed, but I never regretted breaking up with friends. I was sometimes bored without their company, but no more.

Sometimes I went to their pages on social networks and looked at what new happened in their lives. And every time I saw that my friends were living well. They are still rich, well dressed, often travel abroad, go to restaurants.

But the other day I saw another photograph of one of my friends, and I suddenly felt sorry for her. She sits, fashionably dressed, surrounded by gifts, huge bouquets of flowers and a bunch of balloons. It was her birthday .

And I, knowing her and her family, understand that they deliberately sat her down like this and photographed her so that she would later post this photo on social networks, and everyone would see how beautiful, happy, and wealthy she was.

And you can see from her face that she is not that happy. And the wrinkles are already on the face, and the skin is not fresh. She, like me, is 32 years old. And she tries to seem like a young beauty in order to impress men. So that they want to marry her.

And at the same time, she herself is a frivolous person, emotional, amorous. Many times she was attracted to guys at school and casual acquaintances. They reciprocated her feelings.

She could have gotten married and had children a hundred times already, buther mother forced her to give up this relationship. Because those guys weren't rich enough, didn't have prestigious jobs, hadhealth problems .

My friend’s mother is a very domineering and tough woman. She has built an excellent career, enjoys success with men and often uses them for material gain. She instilled in her daughters the belief that they should definitely marry a rich man.

In the case of my friend, her mother herself chose the specialty in which she studied and began to work. Although I won’t say thatThis is exactly what my friend dreamed of doing since childhood.

Her work, ultimately, is connected with foreign languages, of which she knows several. And this gives her the opportunity to easily communicate with foreigners. And her mother pushes her to marry a rich foreigner.

As a result, my friend met foreigners on dating sites many times. She invited them to visit, hosted them at home and could have intimacy with them literally on the first date at the hotel. Her mother fully approved of this behavior.

But she was unlucky. Foreigners came to visit, but did not invite me to marry. I was shocked that she literally went to bed with the first person she met.

But I didn’t dare to interfere in my own business and say that it was dangerous and indecent. My friend has her own head on her shoulders. Yes, and the second friend was calm about this.

As a result, my friend still hasn’tmarried , despite all efforts. After I broke up with her and my second friend, theyThe friendship also fell apart. I heard that they rarely see each other now. And I see that she has no friends now. She is one. And I feel sorry for her.

And I don't know what to do. Should I renew my friendship with her? Maybe she really needs me now. But, on the other hand, I don’t know how she would react to my proposal to be friends again. We parted with her on very bad terms.

There was an episode when, to spite her, I flirted on a social network with one of her exes. She found out about this and filed a complaint against me. I denied everything. I was ashamed then that I behaved so stupidly.

In fact, I didn’t want anything with this guy. I was in wild despair after breaking up with my ex. I wanted to feel that someone could still like me. And I began to add as friends literally all the men who were friends with all my friends. So I added that guy too.

Knew he was exfriend's boyfriend , but, according to her, she didn't like him that much, and she wasn't worried about their breakup. But it turned out that she dreamed of making peace with him.

Well, and when I added him as a friend, I did it to spite my friend, because the day before she had offended me. One of her fans, with some joy, added me as a friend, and she decided that I was hunting him.

She immediately approached him and hurried to tell me that he was asking her out. She wanted to demonstrate to me that she beat me, that she was better than me, that he chose her.

And I didn’t understand what was happening at all. But I was offended by her passion with which she demonstrated to me that she was better. Well, this resentment ultimately led to the fact that, to spite her, I wanted to really attract the attention of some admirer of hers, even a former one. That’s why I ended up acting this way.

And when she found out about this communication with him, I managed to formally get out that I didn’t know that this was her ex-boyfriend. After all, in real life we ​​have never met. She didn't introduce us. There was only one conversation about him when she called his name and showed a photo.

Of course, it looked unconvincing. And from then on she began to behave disrespectfully towards me, making cruel jokes about me. Friendship then rested on the second friend, who tried to reconcile us. She believed that it was a misunderstanding and that I had nothing to do with it.

And I’ve already seen that on they actually both look down on me. And she began to move away from them. They didn't even know that I had met my future husband. They found out when I invited them to the wedding.

And although we agreed with the friend in question that she would be a witness if I suddenly got married someday, in this situation I did not want to invite her to be a witness.

I didn't really feel comfortable inviting them both to the wedding because I knew they wouldn't like mine.husband . The friend was offended that she was not the witness.

And they, together with my second friend, ridiculed my choice after the wedding, when we celebrated mybirthday . I was offended and quarreled with them over a completely different, insignificant issue.

But now time has passed, and I have already cooled down. And I don’t even know if I was right. It seems like yes. You cannot allow yourself and your family to be ridiculed. But perhaps my friends were offended by me.

And now this pity for my friend. I don’t know if she will want to communicate with me after everything, or if she still harbors a grudge against me.

I also wonder if something better will come out of this friendship than before. After all, everything that caused the breakup still remains.

As a true friend, as I now understand, I would have to honestly tell her that her behavior with men is indecent and dangerous for herself. That she shouldn't listen to her mother. But it’s easy to predict her reaction - she will be offended.

The difference in financial situation will prevent us from meeting often, since I will not be able to have dinner at a restaurant every week. And what will come of this friendship?

I could only support her and visit each other, like at school. But does she need it?

I am married to a man whom my friend despises. And to be honest,my marriage was unsuccessful. But I havechild , and I’m not going to get a divorce yet.

And, naturally, I will not tolerate ridicule of myself and my husband. And I would be embarrassed to complain about problems in my marriage. That is, there will be no more frankness.

I myself am quite lonely now, but not so much so that I would put up with my friend. But this feeling of pity for her confuses me.

Or maybe it just seemed to me that she was unhappy in this photo? Maybe she thinks that everything is fine with her, she just needs to wait, and there will be a profitable marriage, and she doesn’t need friends at all?

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