I don’t understand those women who don’t want to go to work after maternity leave.

I don’t understand those women who don’t want to go to work after maternity leave.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Many of minefriends are in no hurry to go back to work after maternity leave. Some say thatraising a child is more important than earning money, others simply give birth to a second or third child. But it's not for me to beghusband money for everything.

I was on maternity leave for 5.5 years with two children; it was a joint decision with my husband, since I gave birth to two children in a row. At the same time, they waited for me at work and invited me to annual reports with a separate payment. While I was at home with the children, I completed a full-time master's degree in another city, and went there twice a month. And then I was invited to work remotely while on maternity leave. I worked for this company for a year and a half. After maternity leave, she returned to her place, althoughmy husband wanted me to be at home with the children, through conversations I convinced him that I had to work.

After a while they called me and made me a good job offer with a promotion taking into account my master’s degree. But in the previous one they didn’t want to let me go. So I worked in two places.

One day my husband suddenly passed away, so in the morning we made plans for test-antibiotic.comthe future , but in the evening it is not there. But the children and I were not lost. I work, my children are growing up and are already teenagers. What if I was tempted then and stayed at home? We would have to start everything from scratch.

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