She changed her attitude towards the guy, but did not stop loving him

She changed her attitude towards the guy, but did not stop loving him
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

When I got a new job, I didn’t think something interesting could happen.acquaintance . In my team there were onlygirls . I sometimes felt like an ugly girl among them.

A client came to us, working on the floor below (we worked in the business center). As soon as I saw him, my curiosity arose. I don't know what to call this feeling. It might be interesting to get to know him better as a person.

On myFortunately, I was in charge of his business and was in charge of it. But my co-workers spoke very poorly of him. They said he was arrogant, arrogant and self-confidentboy .

I didn’t see anything of this throughout the entire conversation. We always spoke on friendly terms, although the age between us does not exceed 6 years. He was always gallant and courteous. You could say we became office friends.

It’s not that he came to visit us, but by SMS he always called to his office or I invited him. There are still employees in his office with whom I also became friends. If we were alone, it was no more than 5 minutes.

It would be nothing if did not consider that my feelings for him had grown so much that my mind could hardly restrain my desires. I didn’t even think that such feelings could exist at my age. Especially after the paths in life that I had passed by this time.

People in the building started talking about him and me. Various gossips were born. But I, and as I believed then, and he, didn’t care about them. After all, we knew very well that this was not true, and leading others by the nose is sometimes funny.

Of course he knew about my feelings. This is probably my big minus when I don’t hide myattitude towards a person. If I like it, then I like it, if I dislike it, it’s also visible.

But he never gave me any reason or hint for anything. I knew perfectly well that apart from friendship, nothing could happen between us. My attitude towards him was surprising to me. I was ready to move mountains, but to do what he asked or would like.

Once in our conversation he mentionedfruits , that do not grow in our country. And what do you think? I got them out a few days later. Or rather, they were brought to me by order, and I brought them to him. I (stupidly) made his favorite jam for him.

Of course, he thanked me, but his smile was enough for me for the day. This was a person whom I accepted with all his shortcomings and disadvantages. To this day, however, I don’t see them, and even if I do, I can find an explanation.

I didn't want to change ourrelationship . It was enough for me to see him and hear his voice. I didn't want anything more. But it so happened that something happened between usargument . Of course, not without good people. I left for another job.

The reason for leaving was not a quarrel. I decided for myself that I needed to see him less. This also played a role. But leaving didn’t make me feel any better.

Sometimes I just wanted to know how he was doing, what he was doing, and if there was anything I could do to be useful to him. No, I didn't want him to use for me. But I offered minehelp as a friend, without self-interest.

He certainly never asked for anything. But one day he's aloneThe question turned me upside down, as if I had been doused with cold water. He didn't offer me anything nasty or bad. He asked a question that humiliated my dignity, my personality. By asking it, he thereby made it clear that he doubted whether it was true or not.

Then I began to think of him not as something unattainable, about something sublime, but as a man whom I could easily get out of my head. Then we suddenly moved on to a closer relationship. On my initiative. As they say, why fantasize if it may not suit me in real life.

Disappointment came sooner than expected. It was so ordinary and boring, or rather banal! I couldn’t open up completely to him. I couldn’t, and probably wouldn’t have succeeded. He set one condition that prevented me, and it made it very clear that he only had sex with me because I insisted.

Disappointment! No, that's a strong word. It’s more of a shame that this is exactly what happened and at the wrong moment. I wish I could do it again (I won’t lie), but not like this and not under these circumstances.

We stopped texting (the last few times I usually wrote and he answered). The communication ended, but the feeling remained. I always remember the song - “we are chosen, we choose, how often this does not coincide.”

So, probably, over the course of one month I will learn nasty things about him that are very true. But I don’t dare to ask and I don’t intend to, because I believe and hope that he is not the same as others see him.

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