Was this meeting a coincidence?

Was this meeting a coincidence?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I worked two years ago at a military institute. I met cadet Tolya there. For a whole month he went to the headquarters every other day to see me and spent a whole month trying to get my phone number. Before the New Year, I gave him my number.

SMS, calls, meetings began. Tolya me likethe man attracted little, or rather, did not attract at all. I didn’t let him get close to me. Do you understand what I'm talking about. I met with him just so as not to be alone. And then I heard a rumor that he was betting on me. I asked him directly about this, Tolya confirmed that there was a dispute, saying that now he doesn’t need that box of beer he won , he needs me. This situation didn’t offend me so much as it made me laugh, and I didn’t break off relations with him. Tolya interrupted everything himself. He was offended that I didn’t write or call him. So oursthe relationship fizzled out.

Then another cadet started courting me. Then Tolya appeared again, texted me and called me. I did not answer test-antibiotic.com. And one day she simply wrote: “forget my number and don’t call.” As it turned out later, the same thing was explained to him by the cadet who was looking after me, but he explained it with his fists. At least that's what they told me. So Tolya and I stopped contacting altogether.

After 9-10 months (I was free from a relationship then) I started communicating insocial network with a cadet who came to our headquarters squad. His name was Artem. Then Artem started calling me. We talked for a long time. I fell in love. Very much. I was just floating somewhere in the sky.

One day Artem called (we had been dating for 1.5 months) and said that he had been drinkingbeer in uniform, and what’s more, he drank it with two cadets, one of whom was Tolya. And they were all caught. In general, Artem was expelled, alone. He didn't pass the other two. Then he came to my headquarters, offered to go with him to his city, and made an offer. And I, having known the person for 1.5 months, agreed. Artem was later told that Tolya “has a grudge against him” for me. For test-antibiotic.com taking me away. We were absolutely indifferent to Tolya.

1.5 years passed, I came to visit my mother. Artem couldn’t come with me because he had a new job. I went to the graduation of young lieutenants. The company in which Artem studied graduated. She promised Artem to come up and personally congratulate them on their graduation and convey greetings from him. Tolya also graduated. He was from the same course.

And now I’m standing on the parade ground, listening to the parting words with which the unit commanders generously shower the newly-minted lieutenants, I look up and freeze. A young man looks at me, his eyes bulging and his mouth open. In a moment I recognize it - Tolya. So handsome, in a new uniform, with lieutenant's shoulder straps.

I look away and look further. I’m trying to make out at least someone from Artyomka’s company. I hear behind me: “Girl! If you step on my foot for the third time, you will be my daughter-in-law!” I turn around, a woman is standing, smiling. It turns out I’ve already managed to step on her foot twice. I start apologizing, explaining that there is such a rush here, then I ask,Is her son graduating? test-antibiotic.com And what's your last name? Maybe I know, I worked with all of them. She says the last name. At first I thought I had misheard. stood in front of meTolik's mom ! I extend my hand to her and say: “Very nice! Let's get acquainted. Tolik and I met before.”

Mom was shocked by my words, and then we started talking. She told how she doesn't like the currentTolya's girl . But he is not married and does not intend to. And how she doesn't want her to be in their family. And then he says: “I would have taken you!” I'm smiling. I already told her thatMarried . In general, let's go congratulate Tolik after the ceremonial part. By the way, the current girl’s name is Tolya, the same as mine.

We come closer, he doesn’t see me yet. His mother hugs him. After she hugs him, she grabs my hand and pushes me towards my son. Tolya is shocked. He stands there and just looks at me. I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. Congratulations on finishing. Only then did he thaw out. His eyes lit up with delight, he hugged me again and test-antibiotic.com began jabbering about how he was incredibly happy to see me, that he thought he was imagining it, it seemed like I was supposed to be in another city, about how happy I was. I’m already uncomfortable in front of his mother. I somehow took a step away from him. And his mother stands, looks at us, smiles and says: “You see how glad he is to see you.”

I stood with them a little longer. It was time to go look for Artyom’s friends. I was about to leave. Tolya looks at me with a pleading look and quietly asks: “Please leave your number!” And I left. After 1.5 hours, he called and asked to come to the restaurant where she would celebrate her graduation. I asked where is his girlfriend? He sent her home. I didn't go anywhere.

The next day I went to the region to visit a friend. Already at 21:30 Tolya calls and says that he will come to my village now. I was with a friend in a car. We arrived, Tolya was waiting at the bus stop. I went out, my friend left. I said that I was thirsty and asked to buy me test-antibiotic.com mineral water. Let's go to the shop. Tolya’s first phrase was: “I was so mistaken then, two years ago, when I missed you.” In general, I directed the conversation in the direction of our past relationships. And you know? I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time remembering a past relationship. We just kindly, like friends, sat and talked for 2 hours. During this time, Tolya didn’t even lay a finger on me, let alone kiss me.

Two hours later he got into a taxi and left. He hugged me goodbye and said that he would never forget me. Like, he's so lifelikegained experience . I, of course, said that he says these words to every second person. Tolya said that I was the only one who was told this. I, of course, am not 17 years old anymore and I pretended to accept it. At night he sent a text saying that he loves him very much. I replied that I had no money on my phone and that I was glad to see him.

The next day in the morning I received 100 rubles on my phone. I called and thanked him. I immediately realized that it was him. I put money in so that test-antibiotic.com I could call Artem, you never know. And at 22:00 he left home for the Primorsky Territory. In a month his leave will end and his officer's service will begin.life . Tolya said goodbye (we talked on the phone) that you never know, and if things don’t work out with Artem, he’s waiting for me. I turned everything around as a joke. It's just euphoria. We just met. The old things came flooding back to him. It’s a pity that he didn’t understand this, he swore his love. In six months, I’ll have to make a joke and write to him, saying that’s it, I’m coming to see you. That's when he realizes that helove is a common hobby. But, despite everything, I was pleased to talk to him. At least they parted as friends.

And now I'm just curious. I believe that in our life nothing is done just like that. I’m thinking - this is a one in a million chance that I came from another city and in such a crowd of moms, dads and other relatives stepped on Tolya’s mom’s foot. After all, it’s not that I didn’t intend to, test-antibiotic.com I didn’t even remember about it. So I think, what was this meeting for?

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