Linda the dog

Linda the dog
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My grandmother had a Pekingese named Linda. My aunt gave the dog to my grandmother. In short, Linda was given away almost for nothing. She had a hernia and a slightly displaced rib.

Ever since I was a child, I loved visiting my grandmother and playing with Lindochka. The dog had a passion - candy, as soon as she heard the rustle of a candy wrapper, she would rush across the entire apartment to the source of the sounds, and raw potatoes, which grandma occasionally spoiled her with.

Grandma and Grandpa became very attached to their pet. Knowing that Linda had to stick to a diet because of stomach problems, they bought her specialmeat and cooked buckwheat porridge. MyMom and Aunt left as soon as they got outgot married , and now the dog was like a third to themdaughter , who also needed care and love.

Once, when grandma and grandpa went to visit relatives, they asked me to come, feed and walk Linda. I fed her without any problems, but she did not want to go for a walk with me. Or grandma told me there was such a case: she was peeling potatoes in the kitchen, and told the dog to go for a walk with grandpa. The favorite understood everything, and went into the hallway. I will not brag, but she was a very smart dog.

When she was 12, she got very sick. She couldn't get up, ate poorly, and whined at night. Linda was taken to a veterinary clinic, but they said that the dog was already old and there was nothing they could do. She died soon after. That day, I came to visit my grandmother and also to check on Lindochka. But she was no longer there. Grandfather said that he had collected her favorite toys, her bowl, put her in his old bag, and buried her near the house under an old willow. I heard that night that my grandmother hadn't slept, she was crying, and my grandfather was also taking Corvalol. I was also very sad. I couldn't believe that I would never hold her in my arms again, that she wouldn't meet me when I came to visit my grandmother. Now I always feel empty when I go into my grandmother's apartment.

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