I am married but live without a husband.

I am married but live without a husband.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

In my student years I met a guy, everything was fine, like everyone else. Our problems started when we started living together. He couldn't or didn't want to find a job. I worked alone. I was pretty fed up with it, and I almost decided to leave him for another, but something stopped me, and I stayed. Of course, at first he changed, he blew dust off me. And I still believed that we would achieve everything and could do everything. We got married in a hectic way. Everything was fine in the relationship. And then he quit his job and found another.

He was constantly missing from work, came home tired, but always called during working hours, worried about me. And then it turned out that he didn’t work anywhere. And he was selling drugs, they caught him red-handed.he didn't show up for court . He's hiding. And sometimes he writes that he'll do everything for our happiness, that he loves me. My heart is breaking, because I love him very much, but at the same time I feel so resentful towards him. And I understand in my head that we can't be together test-antibiotic.com , but I can't tell him this directly, I feel sorry for him. So I've been living all summer in an incomprehensible way, andmarried and not. And I want to live so much, I want a family and peace, but I want it with him.

And in the last few days I have had a terrible desire to contact that young man, to whom I once wanted to leave (he tried to persuade me to leave him for a long time, asked to give me a second chance), but I am afraid and I understand that I have offended him and he will not be happy to see me. And so I live, having achieved nothing, having lost my friends. One job. And everyone around me is having children, and I am sitting and have achieved nothing except a normal job.

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